Hello all my new friends at Adland!After seeing the Live Earth concerts this weekend, I really feel moved to make some changes. I designed a banner that links to the Live Earth site so that you as well as myself and others, can learn ways to make a difference. As much as I'd like more money and success, I love my children even more. Nature and the earth are what inspires me, so I must do something. Feel free to use the free banner, link and html below in your adverts, website or emails. Also pass it along if you can. I have already placed one so far on my website and my blog.
I hope you will all join me in learning what we can do, to help change things for the future. http://www.liveearth.org/The html code:<a name="" href="http://www.liveearth.org/event.php"><img src="http://www.arizonaearthshines.com/SOSearthbanner%20copy.jpg" border="0"></a> To a better World for all of us!