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Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time To Honor The Winner Of The POTW Award (# 102)!!!
7/9/2007 2:53:15 AM
Dear John & Pauline, the 2 most sweetest partners around, hope you are fine & having an amazing day.  Wow, this is truly an amazing honour for a truly wonderful lady with a heart of gold.  Thank you for all that you do and this would not have been POTW team.  Love, Rina

Dear Angelic Janet Ravindran,
Hello sweety.  Hope you are fine & having an amazing day.


Thank you for sharing your amazing biodata.  You are truly an outstanding woman that has gone through so much and yet, at the end, came out victorious.  I could never imagine what you have gone through but I would say its a blessing to finally meet your soul mate and best friend and have wonderful children, amazing family.

This is a well deserving recognition for a special loving person.  You are a great friend, a sister, a loving mother, a great wife and truly an outstanding person.  I am honoured to be given the opportunity to be your friend.

Take care and enjoy your week in the spotlight!

Love ya,
Janet Ravindran

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Re: It's Time To Honor The Winner Of The POTW Award (# 102)!!!
7/9/2007 3:31:58 AM
Dearst Steven,
that is sooooo sweet of you and I'm blushing while reading all the nice things you write about me ;-)
I'm so blessed to have friends like you who are so warm hearted and supportive and funny - I appreciate our friendship very much!
Lots of love and blessings,

Janet Ravindran

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Re: It's Time To Honor The Winner Of The POTW Award (# 102)!!!
7/9/2007 3:35:38 AM
Dear Barb,
thank you for stopping by and posting such a nice message,I appreciate you very much.
Wishing you all the best in life and many blessings every day,

Janet Ravindran

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Re: It's Time To Honor The Winner Of The POTW Award (# 102)!!!
7/9/2007 3:51:07 AM
Dear Lady from Down Under

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a message for me,I appreciate it very much.
Many blessings,Janet

Janet Ravindran

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Re: It's Time To Honor The Winner Of The POTW Award (# 102)!!!
7/9/2007 8:40:19 AM
Dear Kathy,thank you very much.How are you doing?I hope slowly everything is back to normal in your life.You're a very sweet lady with a strong believe which makes you very powerful - I admire that on you ! Thank you for being a fantastic alphabet game partner ;-)
Many hugs and blessings,
