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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
9/23/2007 6:16:00 PM

With my Win Network Program-


Just think, with this program you can take your business in front of a live audience in our conference room,


You personally can give a live presentation putting your business or product up on I think They call it white board and our techs give and help you do the presentation walking you thru it, every one watching the presentation is listening and watching your program for  one half hour to one hour, you have full control of it.


It is amazing and so far the presentations I have watched there has been about 25 to 30 people viewing it, and several have joined other businesses.


I think it is amazing extra exposure, not to mention you and any one on your team who watch the presentation has a chance to win money,I have already won 35.00 along with 2 of my team downline people have as well won with me the same amount.


Everyone wins.theres many different ways to earn income.


its all free, there is an upgrade but not mandatory.



Call me I can explain it better if needed.


253 277 1238


This is huge and it is only like 6 days old it will be huge as it grows!!!!


I have a huge down line already, we all help each other.


Kathy Hamilton/

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Nick Sym

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
9/24/2007 12:46:44 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Sharon Lee

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
9/24/2007 7:34:32 PM

Join Adlandpro's BIGGEST "Live" Team Build, EVER!!!

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Kevin Doolittle

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
9/24/2007 8:12:21 PM

Finally! An affordable home based business you can really sink your teeth into and not have to pay through them! But even more vital than a healthy and popular product line, a wonderful caring team with many years of diverse marketing experience is ready and well able to help you every step of the way. For only $13.97 a month (Includes shipping) you receive a choice of products to keep, use or whatever you like delivered every month. Read on. It gets better...

The Heart's Choice Market Team is a member of the friendly, supportive and huge "Jerky Hill/JD Radiance Team." We are all working together to help each other gain success! 

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Read about a few of our healthy products below. To start your business and receive your free KellySafeList executive upgrade join today and let's build our success together along with the other members of this aggressive JD Premium Products team. It works for me! It will work for you!

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“The Healthy Living


Sharon Lee

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Re: Please place adds; & Biz; ventures here !
9/26/2007 12:23:44 PM

The JerkyHill Team Is The BIGGEST Adlandpro Team!!! We are the biggest Live Team build here!! To SEE the List of all the Team members on this amazing team. Please see this link:


Join the Biggest Adlandpro Team Build ever!!! JerkyHill "Places" all new members to ensure a everlasting downline and True Success!!!

We are ALL dedicated Marketers who ALL want a lifetime Income with this amazing Company. OUTSTANDING Products from a Reputable and Stable Company. With the Founder of both Melaluca and KingB. BOTH Incredible long time Billion Dollar Companies.

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