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Jerilyn Merideth

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Re: Cat Baths
10/6/2007 2:51:52 PM

Hey BB,
Let me know what the cat drags in!
I found my address book!

Jerilyn Merideth "Cutest Critter Photo Contest" now through April 30, 2011. "The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals" ~ Anonymous"
Re: Cat Baths
10/6/2007 8:23:24 PM

Dear Nick and Fellow Adlanders,

A few years ago my husband and I were homeless and living in  tent.  We were there for 14 months.  There was this little feral tortoise shell kitty who hung around our campsite and those of our neighbors (about 35 homeless people, mostly veterans, but some families with kids lived where we were). 

Since we are cat lovers, we would buy catfood and leave it out for her.  Finally, after six months of feeding her, she at long last let us pet her.  Two hours later she started showing up with what would turn out to be four kittens, so young their eyes were still closed.  She and family moved right into the tent with us.  Here is a link to a picture of three of the four kittens:

Sorrry about just a link instead of a picture, but I haven't figured out how to get am image to upload here.  Anyway, we found homes for all four of the kittens when we found work and finally moved out of the tent and into a home.

I am convinced that our providing a home for those kittens and their mother was the turning point to our finding jobs sufficient to get us down off the hill and into a home of our own.

Our Lord works in mysterious ways.

Midge Baker 







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Nick Sym

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Re: Cat Baths
10/7/2007 3:48:10 PM
Dear Midge !

Being disabled I some times feel sorry for myself until I watch the news or read the paper and then realize that I have it better than most as I have a roof over my head and a wife that is my best friend  - God Bless !

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Sharon Lee

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Re: Cat Baths
10/7/2007 4:01:42 PM

Wow Midge, Thats amazing and the kittens are so cute!!!

Nick Sym

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Re: Cat Baths
10/8/2007 4:05:14 PM
Hello Dear Sharon !

I just love the kittens! Babies of any species are so cute until they grow up !

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