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Nick Sym

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Re: Cat Baths
8/8/2007 2:57:40 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Nick Sym

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Re: Cat Baths
8/8/2007 3:02:30 AM
My Dear BJ

I guess you figured out that I am sending a blessing thoughout Adland! It seems there is so much bad things going on around the world I thought I would try and send a message !

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Janet Ravindran

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Re: Cat Baths
8/8/2007 5:06:05 AM
My dear's just wonderful here - like a never ending story ;-)
Sorry,I haven't been in lately,was quite busy catching up with things,but today I just couldn't resist :-)
I would like to share some statements with you all about
"Why cats are better than kids"
  • They do not *shriek* like small children do.
  • They are never embarrassing in a restaurant (Unfortunately, restaurants don't *allow* cats but still....)
  • The only high they are interested in is catnip. (And its legal!)
  • They don't have to be taken to school at O'Dark Thirty in the mornings!
  • They LIKE it when you are lazy and don't go anywhere - especially if you stay in bed!
  • Cats do not incessantly bounce large balls in the street and seem oblivious to the constant "thud" "thud" "thud" of such games.
  • It is unlikely one will get called to the Principal's office due to their cat's behavior.
  • Leaving your cat alone in the house for several hours will not get you investigated by social services.
  • No one thinks less of you if you only feed them canned food or ready to eat food from a bag or box.
  • When a cat sits on your knee, it stays inert and does not thrash about in a blur of knees and elbows and fidgeting fits.
  • Cats does not press buttons on the laptop to 'see what happens'.
  • When the cat stays out all night carousing, I am only mildly concerned instead of tearing my damn hair out.
  • The cat doesn't shout loudly from the bathroom to tell me that he has 'done a big poo'.
  • The cat doesn't want 'that one' and 'that one' and 'that one' and 'that one' ad nauseum.
  • If the cat climbs up to the top shelf of the airing cupboard he simply leaps down gracefully of his own accord instead of screaming blue murder that he is stuck!

Bj Burgess

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Re: Cat Baths
8/8/2007 5:14:11 AM

Hello Nick

Yes I have noticed the blessings you are spreading around and I wanted to say


Re: Cat Baths
8/8/2007 10:30:12 AM

Hello Nick!  8)


Here it is right back at you!  ;-)

Hey! Cooool forum!

Tooo funny my friend!

Have a blessed day!




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