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Thomas Richmond

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Under New Ownership 1st Corinthians 6:19
7/4/2007 10:46:36 AM
You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

What does it mean to not belong to myself? I can think of a few things.

It means that I should probably do a lot of consulting with my new owner. There is more to consider than just me and what I want to do; there is God and what he wants me to do.

If you’re anything like me, this makes sense until you begin to wonder over what he wants you to do in certain circumstances. It isn’t always clear.

For this we have Scripture and gifted members of the fellowship to consult, but in all instances it is the attitude of the heart that is most important. It is a submissive attitude toward God that he is looking for – what the Old Testament calls a broken and contrite heart. It’s being always open and teachable because I realize my new owner has a different way of looking at things than what comes natural for me. In fact, over time I begin to realize what comes natural for me is often my biggest problem.

Instead of “how much can I get away with here,” God is looking for an attitude that says, “Even if I’m not sure, what do I think God would want me to do here.” God is not going to lead astray a humble person who is seeking to do his will.

Our new ownership also means there will be inner conflict. It used to be just me. Now I have me and the Spirit and we may not always be in sync.

In Roman 7, Paul concludes that an inner battle over right and wrong is a good thing because it proves at least that something good is going on. “But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good.” (Romans 7:16) Or in other words, he may have done the wrong thing, but at least he knew it was wrong.

Consider even the Son of God whose joy was always to do the will of his Father in heaven, who in the garden of Gethsemane cried out after sweating blood over it, “Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” (Luke 22:42)

It used to be easier. It used to be just me left to the whim of my desires. But all that has changed. I am not my own anymore; I have been bought by God at a high price – the blood of Jesus – and he has a plan and a purpose for me as my new owner.  God_bless and Thanks for reading. Thomas Richmond.

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Beryl Payton

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Re: Under New Ownership 1st Corinthians 6:19
7/4/2007 11:19:26 AM

Hi Thomas,

You are just so gifted and amazing.  Thank you for posting this for me to be able to read.  God did indeed pay a hugh price for us.


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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Under New Ownership 1st Corinthians 6:19
7/4/2007 12:20:40 PM
I Try! Thank you Beryl. Enjoy your day my friend. Im glad to have your spirits lifted. A Great gift to have.
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Podo Pierre

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Re: Under New Ownership 1st Corinthians 6:19
7/4/2007 12:30:34 PM

Hello Thomas ,

Thanks for this message of Love and truth. Very inspiring again.

Trying to be a hero, and the ego that goes with it ,is the most destructive act to spiritual growth. This leads to circumstances which makes men to forget where they belong. Our choice of subject and our regard to unstable family hood, prevents and enforces the wrong choice of life in many cases.

We learn from the scriptures that ´if you do not love the man that you see, how can  we love God that we don´t see? Then it concludes that `God is Spirit and those who love him must do so in Spirit and truth.

Man will weaver until he understands the path whereby we have been bought, by the Lord. The Holy path that leads to redemption of sins. Our Glory means nothing, when we fail to admit this truth. 

Our God  is a jealous God, he wants all things for him , because he made all things. Just as a man feels when he sees his darling wife being provoked by a stranger, so does our God feel when we stray out of his Good and just Command. To belong ,we have to be honest and abiding from the first to the last day.

Even though undeserving, I also want to belong . Thanks again my friend for your inspired words . 

Pierre Louma

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Under New Ownership 1st Corinthians 6:19
7/4/2007 12:37:17 PM

Thank you bother Pierre, Bon Jour' my friend! The inspiration i get from you is a gift as i can read, very humble in Spirit and a well developed Character you have, thank you so much for your feed back.

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