Hello Joe Downing !
Amongst all feelings, only a hate was never a resident of my hearth. But for one that cherish his heart as a Living Temple of Devine, just absence of the hate can never be enough!
When just voice is slurring,
it can never be so hard as when a heart does! USA army killed my little neighbor Milica at the age of 3 when she had a bath. And a short explanation came: colatheral harm. They also bombed 100 m far of Maternity Hospital.
I never said a course, but to bless America - it was too much.
Our amazing friend Carla Cash started a forum about celebration of July 4th. I honor her very much and I`d like to contribute. I tried several times. BUT: what are ready fingers and voice, if they are left behind by heart?
Two days after that, I shall always remembre that night,
at a forum Woman of Courage (Bless you Terry, Luella and John!) I saw your Jo(k)ely Toying with your icons,
you were recognised as an authentic and so mine reason to say:
God Bless America
Thank you Joe Downing, my dear and special One !