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"Powerful List Building" Issue 1: The Relationship...
7/3/2007 1:55:27 AM

Hello Everyone,

In this lesson we will be discussing the benefits
of having a relationship with your list.

We will also discuss a few ways to build a better
relationship with your current list in today's

So lets get started!

Many people get confused when it comes to list
building because they are told that the money is
in the list.

But, no one ever tells them how to build a list
the correct way.

Most people who start building their list will
build it up and jump right into selling before
they ever deliver any content.

But the first rule of list building is this:

Get your subscribers to know you, like you, and
trust you.

When your subscribers know who you are they will
open up more of your emails and read what you
have to offer.

When your subscribers like you they will often
reply back to your emails and thank you for
providing useful content.

When your subscribers trust you they will be
willing to pay for the stuff that you recommend
witch in return will lead to more money in your

Those are the first rules when getting started
building your list.

Now lets get into a little detail here...

To get your subscribers to know you, you normally
establish this when they first subscribe to your
list via squeeze page, web form ETC...

Before someone signs up to your list you have
to make sure that your name is visible on the
page they are signing up to.

This way, it helps them remember your name and
get familiar with it each time you send out a

To get your subscribers to like you, all you
have to do is "BE YOURSELF".

When I say be yourself I mean to create your
own writing style and write to your list just
as you would a friend of family member.

When getting them to like you, you also want to
relate to them in any way possible.

Another important thing I would include is to
establish your self as an expert.

People like looking up to others that have become
successful in the field that they are getting
started with.

To get your subscribers to trust you, all you
have to do is provide useful content.

Normally this would be content that they would
have to pay for somewhere else.

If you found a new method to increase your
conversions, share it with your list free of

Another example would be if you were to find a
way that could save time when writing articles...

... share that with your list also.

Make them understand that you're there to help
them with their current position.

Also make sure to answer this question from the
prospects point of view:

"whats in it for me"   

Give them benefits for buying the products that
you recommend or for even reading your next email.

If you can answer the whats in it for me factor
then you will notice a huge response from each
of your mailings.

Okay ya´ll, that about raps it up. Hope you enjoyed
this lesson.

Be on the lookout for my next post where I will
discuss the importance of having follow up
messages set up.

Take Care,

George Clark

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