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Bruce Macomber

216 Posts
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Re: Your ad here please
7/19/2007 3:53:49 PM
Thank you, Lidia.

So many affiliate programs, so little time!

Since joining adland I have been innundated with requests to 'be friends'.

Some are short, simple reqeusts...nothing added. Those are much appreciated and presumably sincere.

Others are immediate blasts of blatant affiliate promotions. These I find to be disingenuous, at best.

While there is nothing wrong with trying to make a little or a lot of money on the Internet, I encourage us all to keep lifes' priorities in perspective.

Matthew 6:

 24No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

 25Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

 26Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

 27Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

 28And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

 29And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

 30Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

 31Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

 32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

 33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

 34Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

In His Service,

Bruce <== the only promotion that matters.
Re: Your ad here please
7/19/2007 9:12:47 PM

RE: Early Bird Notification for UEP ENVIRONMENT Residual Income Program  - Forum post here

Hi Teams, friends and Early Birds! Today I would like to announce the Early Bird Option for my friends here in Adlander. 

How many times have you been looking to make the extra dollar? Every single day? I have NEWS for you.

I have just created "The UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT" which offers you a "Residual Income Generator" which benefits from a "Contribution Vortex ENVIRO Marketing Plan".

This program is so new that you will not find anything on the internet that would explain it to you. Nothing has never been done like this on the internet arena before. The whole program is hard coded (programming language) for "The UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT" and it pays always 64% of each 10+1 EUR contributions made for a cleaner environment. Never less and never more. No risk no losses. 

I promote the ENVIRONMENT since 2004 with the UBIEE ENVIRO Teams. We have created Groups in 189 Countries that are concerned about the Global Warming, the Emission problems and much more. Each of the groups has one (1) Own UEP Top Position out of 128 possible Own UEP Top Position in each UEP ENVIRO group.

Each Contributor to be part of such a group only has to make a One Time Contribution = OTC of 10+1 EUR approx. 15 US$. That’s it.  Now you are part of the "Contribution Vortex ENVIRO Marketing Plan". A Plan that will make you shivers. Will make you not believe what you will see with your own eyes. It will convert you into a strong supporter for a Cleaner Environment. Spend your 10+1 EUR and see it happen for yourself. 

Payout explanations’

1.       You will get paid a max. of 64 Times from all the contributions that are entering the UEP ENVIRO Group below you.

a.       You will earn a minimum of 64% (6.40 EUR or approx.  10 US$) from your OTC position regardless which position you joined in UEP = UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT.

2.       And again 64 times you get paid when you get paid from everybody that joins your Own UEP Enviro Group.

a.       You will earn a maximum of 30.36 EUR or approx. 40 US$ from your Own UEP Enviro Group

3.       But it gets even better. You will get every 64 OTC Contributions made within your Own UEP group a new Own UEP Top Position. 

a.       Allowing you earn over and over again a maximum of 30.36 EUR or approx. 40 US$ .

b.      This will go on over and over and you never have to pay anything again. Since many more people will join and contribute to our UBIEE ENVIRO AMBASSADORS as we spread the word for our UBiee PowerPill and the Solution that we offer for this planet.

Let me resume here for one instance. You get all this for a One Time Contribution of Only 10+1 EUR - 15 US$ to support me and my UBIEE ENVIRO TEAMS to teach people the Solutions against Emissions and Global Warming. I am sure it is a very well designed to make you see how important it is to have our Joint efforts be spread out without entire UBIEE ENVIRO Community.

I am still in development stage with the whole "The UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT" and preparing for more advanced tools that help you administer personally in the future your Own UEP Top Position & Groups. Gosh I can tell you, if you see this program you will be blown away by its potential. The company that I run as Founder can never become in default with payments because we only pay out when a contribution payment has been received and never more than 64%.

We pay up to 64 people instantly to their Vortex Account (note*).  All you need to do at this time and stage is to logon and request your payment. 

note*This will be completely automated for you to administer yourself. Meaning that you as Own UEP Top Position Owner will see, who is getting paid and even better it will be you, that decides the moment of payout for your group. Still future talk and in about 20-30 programming hours we will have that ready to be presented too.


Check this out, you cannot miss it. Join as Early Bird and turn over 10 EUR into a Residual income generator for a life time.

Contribution Vortex ENVIRO Marketing

Bruce Macomber

216 Posts
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Re: Your ad here please
7/19/2007 10:16:17 PM

Are you certain you want to build an affiliate program around junk science?

Hey, how about an Evolution matrix - triple payoff to first tier to discover the "missing link"?

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Best of success.

Bruce <== the only promotion that matters.

La Nell !

3647 Posts
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Re: Your ad here please
7/26/2007 12:43:35 PM

Hi, Let's be friends and exchange business ideas. Come join my team in the Jerky Direct business! We are gathering our friends for Success! LaNell, Team Leader  - Link       For $12 a month you get 2 packs of jerky (31 flavors, plus dried fruit jerky and oil rich supplements) with low fee shipping to your door! A Personalized Website with free business tools. 800 # for orders and Conference Calls and so much more! (USA) Our Business and Team are growing! You may order for your own consumption or you can have your own store just like mine. EAT the healthy way we did hundreds of years ago! The healthy protein snack is low carb, low cholesterol, low fat and tastes delicious. Join for wholesale prices of healthy, hormone free Jerky. Do not miss out on this great opportunity and join now! I will help you build your downline, recruit and we both make money. I get a dependable commission check each month.  

Lydia Fokina

2042 Posts
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Re: Your ad here please
8/1/2007 7:44:58 AM

Excuse, Michael, but I do not believe you.

I got acquainted with project VORTEX even before its start.

They have begun the activity with a deceit.

It was a fine deceit, but I do not believe those who starts with a deceit.

Whether besides you can reply, and here an environment?

What product do You offer ?

What certificates your product has?

At me such impression, that you involve people in a pyramid.

Best wishes from Moscow, Lidia

Извините, Михаил, но я не верю Вам.

Я знакомилась с проектом VORTEX еще перед его запуском.

Они начали свою деятельность с обмана.

Это был мелкий обман, но я не верю тем, кто начинает с обмана.

Кроме того, можете ли Вы ответить на вопрос, причём тут окружающая среда?

Какой продукт Вы предлагаете?

Какие сертификаты имеет Ваш продукт?

У меня такое впечатление, что Вы втягиваете людей в пирамиду.

