It takes practice to become a positve thinker if you have been living with a negative mindset. When you start having a positive mindset you will feel so much better, both mentally and physically. Negativity drains your energy, and it has no place in our lives.
When you make a conscious decision to let go of pessimistic thoughts you open yourself up to a whole new world. No longer will you feel angry at the whole world, or feel frustrated by your own problems because you can now think about a much better way of dealing with them.
If you find yourself dwelling on all that is wrong...tell yourself ~ "Stop it". Instead focus on all that is right in your life because you do have right things happening if you stop and think about it. When you make this dramatic change in your way of thinking you will be absolutely amazed by all the good that will come your way.

God Bless You,
Love Marilyn