I am probably should have brought this to your attention at the time when you ask me that question when your daughter was curious about me after you invited or send me an invitation to be your friend. Instead of giving you certain hints down the line, I should have stated how I felt, it did affect me when you ask me out curiosity if I was transsexual because one of articles in forum did state about people discriminating or harassing individuals sort of article you indicated. I feel that the question should have not been asked even if you had that thought in your mind I think no one should state or ask some sort of erroneous question to someone that they don't know. You are being a hypocrite just like the other people discriminating against those people who don't even know who they are. You probably will you denied this or don't remember what I am saying to you but I remember when people insinuate or assume something that is not true especially when they see what they want see, hear what they want hear for no reason. If I was big, black and ugly then no one would have ask me that question!!!! NO offense toward black women who are fat, or skinny, I see beauty in everyone, but everyone can't be beautiful but in heart which means more than anything. How about if I ask you same question, would you have like it or if I saw your daughter would like me to assume she was transsexual as well? Therefore, I don't have any more connection with you whatsoever.