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Larry Anderson

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Weird fact of the Day
6/30/2007 6:04:11 AM
Weird Fact of the Day: In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice cream in your back pocket.
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Re: Weird fact of the Day
6/30/2007 11:07:42 AM

Hello Larry

   I just can't imagin our politicians missing even the smallest details when it comes to looking out for Average Joe. Think of the lives that have been impacted by this great piece of legislation. This law has worked so well that I have never seen anyone carry ice cream in their back pocket. I guess thats why they get the big bucks HUH Larry. LOL

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Phillip Black

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Re: Weird fact of the Day
6/30/2007 11:54:40 AM

Hi Larry,

Thanks again for keeping us out of trouble with the law.  Now I know that all my Ice Cream better be out of my pocket by the time I cross into Kentucky.

Over here in NC, I don't think that we would lock anybody up for this, although we might offer them a free week or two down at the "Special Place".

Have A Great Wekend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Larry Anderson

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Re: Weird fact of the Day
6/30/2007 12:58:30 PM
Hi Bill just think of all the lives that were saved by that law
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Larry Anderson

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Re: Weird fact of the Day
6/30/2007 1:00:08 PM
Hi Phil Up here in Iowa, we always carry ice cream in our pockets NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! ever wonder why these laws were written anyways?
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson

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