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We Eliminated the * * 97% * * Failure Rate and Remembrances of Mom.
6/30/2007 2:50:06 AM
Hello again.
I've been neglecting my forums big time so I'm going to try over the next couple of weeks to write update on the different projects that are earning us a good income streams, because I would very much like to work with you so you can duplicate what we are doing as a team.
First of all I wanted to give a very warm thank you to Georgios Paraskevopoulos. Thank you so much for your kindness and for featuring me in the Philoxenia forum. So many Adland friends were kind enough to visit. If you haven't stopped by yet, just Click Here.  
Working with my Profit4you Team Success Training project is taking a lot of my time. This training project combines two different strategies. First of all I will show you how one of my friends is using a cash flow strategy to make $2000 a month. And then I will share training on how I've made serious money working from home the last couple of years.
Please Click Here to read more information about our training project. It is the second project mentioned on my Web Page, you'll see the words Profit4you Team Success Training.
If you would like to get started and receive the first lesson, just email me, put the words Profit4you Team Training in the subject line, let me know what country you live in and include the email address where you want to receive the first training marketing step. Or you can just write a post in this forum thread and I'll edit out your email address. This training will give you the actual action training steps that we have taken to make thousands working from home.
Our Cash Master Mind Team Matrix has some people on all 10 levels in our team matrix. Just Click Here  to request the free report and I'll follow up with you on how you can use the training to grow this income stream as well.
If you are on my CMM or MWD teams, and you aren't working with me one on one please email me in the back office and request this training. This is training that will show you how to be in the top 3% of earnings. Only 3% are even making $300 a month in real monthly profits. I want to work with you to help you to increase your cash flow in less than  a month! It's so much easier to achieve if you work with someone who has actually achieved it!
The future looks bright!
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success...."
= * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * =
Personal Update:
The month of June has been rather strange. Well actually the last 12 months have been rather strange, but let's not get into that! LOL My Dad got married last week. I had mixed emotions this entire month, well really for several long months. For some reason this entire event has reinforced that my Mom is gone and isn't coming back to us. Of course I knew that since she died 3 years ago July 1st. But this was just a pretty strong reminder that made it rather hard on me because it caused me to miss her even more. I'm used to being best friends with the person that my Dad is married to, it's just such a strange twilight zone thing for me. But I made it through with flying colors which actually surprised me! At the house where they had a small reception after they were married, I sang a surprise song for my Dad and his bride that I had written for them and even managed to have my brother, her 2 daughters and her niece help out with the song. They liked it and Dad told me he had tears in his eyes.
I also get ambitious enough to go shopping and decorate the dining room as a surprise for the new bride. So I did my level best to make their day as special as possible and in the process the heart ache I was expecting to feel wasn't there when the moment arrived. I guess I was too busy running around buying decorations, decorating, practicing the song, throwing myself together for the wedding and rounding up the other siblings in secret so they could be involved in the song.
I haven't had any really bad emotional crashes since the wedding either. I don't really have time to! I'm so behind responding to emails, I really apologize for that. This month was an emotional time for me with remembrances of my Mom and I spent a lot of time offline with the wedding last week and relatives visiting from out of town who I hadn't seen in several years. I'm trying to catch up, anytime I'm offline emails pile up very quickly with having over 10,000 Adland friends. So I'm working hard trying to catch up bit by bit. I'm tired because I'm not getting enough sleep.
I want you to know how much very much I appreciate you. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. So many of you have been so full of encouragement and kind words the last few years and I just want you to know how much I appreciate you. We Motherless children need all the encouragement we can get! Ha!
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

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This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Flag of Bruce Butler

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Re: We Eliminated the * * 97% * * Failure Rate and Remembrances of Mom.
6/30/2007 6:44:47 AM

Felicia: That is a very moving story, I wish you, your family and especially your dad and wife the best. Read the book The Secrete to right your life.

What free programs do you know about to offer to the members?

Thanks, Bruce Seaweedman Help Veterans
Re: We Eliminated the * * 97% * * Failure Rate and Remembrances of Mom.
6/30/2007 11:09:22 AM

Hi Felicia

Thanks for all your support. I am sending an e-mail.

Flag of Eric Kolben

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Re: We Eliminated the * * 97% * * Failure Rate and Remembrances of Mom.
6/30/2007 12:27:08 PM


I'm so sorry about your Mom and your current circumstances.  I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you need someone to listen.


Re: We Eliminated the * * 97% * * Failure Rate and Remembrances of Mom.
6/30/2007 3:33:10 PM

Hello Felicia

Thank you for sharing your personal crisis with us. I'm glad you're back :)

You're a very strong person to have focussed on making your dad's day a special occasion even though in your heart of hearts you were missing your mum.

Sometimes, something that we're dreading like your dad's wedding can be a cloud with silver lining and we just don't know it.

Love conquers all.

Love & Peace



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