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Rinna Rani

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Re: Alphabet Game #26
6/29/2007 11:48:23 AM
Me too Joe, Me Too... Here goes:

Mother of 2 Angels
Janet Ravindran Is
I wonder where she gets this X's
She is sharp as she can be

As a member of the alphabet gang
She is very good at this game
Witty like no other one
She can be a lot of fun

I wonder who Janet is
In many ways than one
But the moment she appears
That question takes a run

When the games end for the day
Everyone falls to their knees to pray
Lord bless her family well
So she will be back to spell

Pray for sure we will
May the Lord bless her to his will
How blessed more can Janet be
She has blessed us in return by being here you see

Fuyohhhh!  What do you think Joe?  Got more..... Bring it on sweety.
Joe Downing

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Re: Alphabet Game #26
6/29/2007 11:49:39 AM
Janet... Rina I like your price but I think we should add a bit more value because we are SOOOO goood... right?  So.. how about some hugs, prayers and delicious treats too?
***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Janet Ravindran

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Re: Alphabet Game #26
6/29/2007 11:49:49 AM
Rina and Joe can not be bought
even I think it was a good thought
What would I do without this two?
bend right down and buckle my shoe
go to the video store a CD to rent
about a monkey in a red/white tent

Love you two

Rinna Rani

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Re: Alphabet Game #26
6/29/2007 11:49:55 AM
Hhahahahahaah.... Joe, I like it I like it..... You are a champion I tell you.....

Joe Downing

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Re: Alphabet Game #26
6/29/2007 11:52:09 AM
Okay Rina... we are on a rollllllllll.....

Mother of 2 Angels
Janet Ravindran Is
I wonder where she gets this X's
She is sharp as she can be

As a member of the alphabet gang
She is very good at this game
Witty like no other one
She can be a lot of fun

I wonder who Janet is
In many ways than one
But the moment she appears
That question takes a run

When the games end for the day
Everyone falls to their knees to pray
Lord bless her family well
So she will be back to spell

Pray for sure we will
May the Lord bless her to his will
How blessed more can Janet be
She has blessed us in return by being here you see

Ah but tis the time to let her shine
She deserves a wonderful time
Janet is here to show us how to play
Sleep not, I hope she stays

Fuyohhhh!  and double FUYOHHHHH!!!!!

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE