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Beth Binkley

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Re: Alphabet Game #25
6/29/2007 11:01:09 AM
Congratulations Steven!!!
Rinna Rani

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Re: Alphabet Game #25
6/29/2007 3:44:07 PM
Dear BJ,
Hey you... I just came back to read what I had missed and I got hit by (hmmm, not a flying rhino) but a shocked Monica in what I think is..... Hahahhaha, its too much to handle in 1 day.  That is so funny BJ, I can imagine a shocked face but not with a baby monkey face.  Hahahahaha..... By the way Monica dearie, you look cute be it whether rhino or monkey... And Monica, pity Joe, don't take the monkey away from him.  He will start crying now.....

Thanks for the laugh and I love all of you for being so open.

Love ya,
