
Lloyd Cope

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Check out my Traffic Fairy Stats. Here's proof that it works.
6/28/2007 10:20:47 PM

Hello Adlanders.

My name is Lloyd Cope and I

have a website named

My website has many banners from

companies that I am affiliated with.

Lately my traffic has been stagnant.

So I decided to promote each of the

individual affiliate sites at a traffic

exchange I belong to called Traffic

 I can't tell you how surprised I was

when I checked my affiliate stats.

Here at the results for this month.

Network Transaction Metrics 
Selected Period
Month to Date 

Impressions  1,393

Clicks             577

That gives me a Click to Impression Rate  of 41.42%

An Impression is everytime someone actually sees the

URL for my websit.  A click is when someone actually

clicks on to the site.

I talked to a rep at my affiliate center and he 

told me that a 41.42% C/I rate was outstanding.

That means is Traffic Fairy is

legitimate and  is providing positive results.

I urge anyone who is having problems getting

click-throughs to their internet income 

opportunities to try Traffic Fairy.

I truly hopes this helps.

Your friend.

Lloyd Cope

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