Hi Kathy,
Good to have you back. Your house sounds wonderful! I can't say I envy all the unpacking you have to do, but just think, you can just really take the time to set up your house just the way you want. And it doesn't matter how long it takes.
I do know what moving is all about. Our family was gone for two weeks to Colorado to visit family and my husband and I helped his mom move into a new house. We also visited my parents. Could you please pray from my dad? He's been dealing with prostate cancer for the last couple of years and he's had to go through so much; radiation, chemo, drugs and so much pain. He's also lost a lot of weight(he's not a big man to start with, but he's down to about 124 lbs. and he just looks like skin and bones.) It's been so hard to see him like this; it just breaks my heart to see such a former hardworking, active man being reduced to nothing.
The good news is that his faith is strong in the Lord and so is my mom's and this assurance makes all this pain easier to bear. He'll be going through more tests and probably more chemo in the following days. All prayers would be greatly appreciated.
I would ask you to also pray for me. I've been having issues with my blood pressure being too low and it's made me feel extremely tired and exhausted, dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous and all that good stuff. I was scheduled for a colonostopy when we got back from vacation, but because my blood pressure was too low, my doctor advised against it. (I need this test done, because other tests have shown there's blood present and they want to find out what's going on. So do I!) But I've got to get my blood pressure stabilized before I do any of that. Please pray that all this will get taken care of.
I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm whining; I don't mean to!
I do have some great news though! Just this week, I had my first international order from China! How sweet it that?! I wasn't even expecting it! I am so thrilled, though. This has really given me a boost of self-esteem and I know I'm in the right business! I just have to keep telling myself, that it's really going to happen, but it just takes time(God's time, not mine!)
I'd better stop rambling and close for now.
God Bless you all,