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Beth Binkley

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Re: Alphabet Game #22
6/28/2007 12:40:10 AM

Oh yeah!! Rina, right back at ya!

Monkey Kiss


So cute!! :)

Janet Ravindran

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Re: Alphabet Game #22
6/28/2007 12:40:20 AM
Wow...didn't you all had fun...I'm so sad because I couldn't join you...just 1 hour earlier(any chance Monica?) would be nice....but anyway - I enjoyed going through your answers and laughing my head off :-)

Rina,so nice to have you back here;miss you when you're not around !

Bj,job well done - you sure qualify for a referee ;-)

Monica,sorry to hear you're not well.Hope you can join us all soon

My love and hugs to all of you,


Rinna Rani

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Re: Alphabet Game #22
6/28/2007 12:55:26 AM
Wooohoooo, this is amazing BJ.... You are such a sweet mum, do you know that?  Here's a kiss for you (Don't worry, the monkey ain't coming)

To Monica,
Hey ya.  I just wanted to say how sweet and amazing you are for creating this game.  I know it took a lot of hard work and effort and it has paid off.  You are a darling of a daughter and a great friend.  You are truly a sunshine to our hearts... you make us addicted..... Wooohoooooo, for you dear:

Love, Rina
Rinna Rani

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Re: Alphabet Game #22
6/28/2007 1:01:34 AM
Dear Beth sweety,
Oh my, I can understand your unhappyness about this and wish I could make it all right but I can't.  I can only offer a hug and say, well, if shadow for now, then shadow it is and yet, you are still a beautiful person just the way you are.

Prepare Three Envelopes

A fellow had just been hired as the new CEO of a large high tech corporation. The CEO who was stepping down met with him privately and presented him with three numbered envelopes. "Open these if you run up against a problem you don't think you can solve," he said.

Well, things went along pretty smoothly, but six months later, sales took a downturn and he was really catching a lot of heat. About at his wit's end, he remembered the envelopes. He went to his drawer and took out the first envelope. The message read, "Blame your predecessor."

The new CEO called a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO. Satisfied with his comments, the press -- and Wall Street - responded positively, sales began to pick up and the problem was soon behind him.

About a year later, the company was again experiencing a slight dip in sales, combined with serious product problems. Having learned from his previous experience, the CEO quickly opened the second envelope. The message read, "Reorganize." This he did, and the company quickly rebounded.

After several consecutive profitable quarters, the company once again fell on difficult times. The CEO went to his office, closed the door and opened the third envelope.

The message said, "Prepare three envelopes."

How's that?  By the way, you didn't miss much.  Go now go, have fun at the Trivia game, if its still on.

Love ya,
Rinna Rani

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Re: Alphabet Game #22
6/28/2007 1:08:57 AM
And Beth dearie, here is my version of your joy of laptop (hope no one takes offence):

Thank GOD for inventing
Notebooks/ Laptop.
Use it anywhere you like except the bathroom
Note Danger Aspect:
~ You will Never Leave The Bathroom.

Love, Rina

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