From Lloyd Cope.....................
Hello everyone.
My Jerky Direct check just came in the mail again. Jerky Direct pays on time every month. No delays, no excuses and no BS.
I was so excited that I riped the envolope and ripped the check. Just taped it back together. No problem though. My bank knows the check is good.
Afterall this is my 8th check in a row and not one has bounced.
If you are still spinning your wheels and not making any money, go to Sharon Lee, Linda Harvey or Amanda Shriver's forums and see how we do it. - Sharon Lee's Forum - Amanda's Forum - Linda Harvey's Forum
Your friend.
Lloyd Cope
Please Welcome These newest members. (And don't forget to welcome Yesterdays also) We have had a busy week here.
Great Team Work,,,Just Works!!
Welcome New Member Jerry Hobson (JerkyPop) Jerry was placed under Danielle Busby (Talk2DanieTeam), In Katheryns Team, by JerkyHill/JDRadiance. 7/8
Welcome New Member Terrence Tutaj (TerrenceTutaj)) Terrence was placed under Mark Wadinski (SuperStars) by JerkyHill/JDRadiance. 7/8
Welcome New Member Todd McBride (Toddm) Todd was placed under Leslie Combs (LadyLibby) by JerkyHill/JDRadiance. 7/8
Check out Paulines new forum...;-) Please post YOUR JD URL!!!!! Thanks.
JOIN OUR GREAT TEAM In Jerky Direct,,Through the JerkyHill OR JDRadiance Teams and Recieve..............
1- A Guarantee that you will make money in your First 30 days, Or JerkyHill will REFUND Your $12.00 Investment (And You can Keep All The Products..;-)
2- A FREE EXECUTIVE,,LIFETIME Membership to (A PlanetX safelist with over 270,000 members...;-))
3- A Team of Over 160 Members,,in Adlandpro alone!! That will Help YOU Succeed!!!
Just CLICK The below Banner To Get Started TODAY!!

Every new member who joins our Team through or will be placed under another team member. We will, In Turn,, Do the SAME For You!! (And so on,,,and so on,,,and so on.;-) Members are Continually Rotated as we recieve them. This is HOW we CAN Guarantee you Success!
TEAM WORK,,,JUST WORKS!!! ((The Jerky Product Line)) ((The Omega Radiance line)) Join Both for great additional income and enhanced commissions in the JerkyHill & JDRadiance Team line. ((After enrolling in either JerkyHill OR JDRadiance,, Go to KSL and sign up for your free account. Email KSL here or at Include your user name and KSL will upgrade you to executive for FREE))
Check out Paulines new forum...;-) Please post!! Thanks.