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Linda Miller

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Are you afraid to be loved by God?
6/25/2007 10:16:25 PM

Hello friends,

I was just talking to my fabulous Manifesting Partner Sue today on our weekly co-coaching call and Sue mentioned that one of the lessons she learned in A Course In Miracles is about being ...

... afraid to be loved by God.

It brought tears to my eyes.  I had never thought of that before.

Being afraid to be loved by God.

I teach people all the time about the importance of being open to receiving...

I am open to receiving.

I am open to receiving Divine guidance.

I am open to receiving Divine inspiration.

I am open to receiving all that is mine by Divine right.

I am open to receiving all that I desire.

AND NOW, thanks to my friend Sue a new and powerful affirmation for ME is...


As Sue and I were talking today I realized that there are parts of ourselves (ego perhaps) that may tell us we do not DESERVE God's love.

Do you deserve God's love?

I say you do... and YOU... and YOU.

YES, I also deserve God's love.

Doesn't that feel great to simply say "I deserve God's love."

So many people (including myself) grew up in an environment where we were taught that we do not DESERVE God's love and that we have to earn it by being "good."

That is of course enforced by our parents (doing the best they know how) who teach us that we have to earn things because we don't deserve them unless we work hard or do something to make ourselves worthy.

Sue reminded me that I believe we are born worthy and we DO deserve God's love simply because we were born and we don't have to do anything to earn it

YOU do deserve God's love and so do I.

I deserve God's love.

I release all resistance to receiving God's love.

I am open to receiving God's love.

I am receiving God's love.

I am grateful for God's love which shines on me every moment of every day.

I'm going to get out my journal and WRITE these affirmations to remind myself that I DO deserve God's love.

Will you join me?

In sincere appreciation,


Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Are you afraid to be loved by God?
6/26/2007 1:32:36 AM

Hello Linda,

What a wonderful way to start today.

Finding this posting was a gift, as was, wakeing up to another day and feeling loved.

I deserve God's love and the reallygreat thing is that I have so much that I can share it.

Thank you Linda, receive all you deserve.


Nick Sym

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Re: Are you afraid to be loved by God?
6/26/2007 2:25:49 AM

Hello Dear Linda

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Re: Are you afraid to be loved by God?
6/26/2007 2:48:49 AM

Hi Linda,

My name is Pat. I just saw your post and wanted to reply to it. None of us really deserve God's love but he gives it anyhow. Why? Because he created us and loves us as his children. After all HE is our father.

To Receive the full benefit of God's love we must accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. By doing this you are telling God that you understand that he is your Creator, your Father, and Friend. Once you have accepted Christ as your personal savior a whole host of things occur.

First your name is at that very moment written into the "Book of Life" by an Angel in Heaven. At this time all the Heavenly Hosts sing and praise God for the saving of another soul, another soul which shall not at the end of time be cast into Hell with Satan and his Demons. From that moment onward you are assured a place in Heaven for all eternity. Nothing you, someone else, or even Satan can do to change that fact. Christ tells us in the Bible that after accepting him that "no man can pluck you from my hand" and being in Christ's hand is the very best place to be.

Now the Holy Spirit will fill you. He will find a place to dwell in your heart. He will be with you to guide you, to protect you, and most important of all he will now actively intercede on your behalf. Now you are in line to really benefit from the power of the "Holy Trinity."

How do I receive all this you ask? It's really very simple and absolutely FREE. All that is required of you is to have a child like faith and....

1) To earnestly pray for god to forgive you for your sins.

2) To acknowledge the fact that you ar a sinner in need of a savior. 

3) To accept Jesus Christ as your savior.

After becoming a true beleiver you now have someone to turn to in your time of need. He will always be there and shll never forsake you. Now you can pray and be heard by some one who actually hears and answers your prayers. If there are needs in your life, even little needs... pray to your true father and allow HIM ot provide for your needs. If you let God have a place in your life you will be pleasently surprised by the result.

Isn't that the simplest compensation plan you have ever seen? Oh and did I forget to mention it pays all legs, all levels for all eternity. It doesn't get any better than this friends. So start reaping the real power, benefits, and reward by starting your Free Membership TODAY!

May GOD Bless YOU, and all your endeavors.

Truly Your Friend.

Pat Keeley 

Linda Miller

3429 Posts
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Re: Are you afraid to be loved by God?
6/27/2007 12:12:29 PM

Hi Roger,

I'm so glad I could be a part of your day.  And YES you do certainly deserve God's love and so do I.

I realized that many people may not feel deserving of God's love because of something they were taught earlier in life.

Thank you for your comments and kind words.

Many blessings.


Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina

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