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Flag of Dave Cottrell

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Work From Home. Really...
6/25/2007 10:15:22 PM
Hi folks,

I'm sure a lot of people who read this will have already seen the hundreds, if not thousands of spam emails offering so-called "hot" jobs.

My advice on any of these is to delete them without even opening them (as you should do with ALL spam - don't encourage them!)

The vast majority of online "job" opportunities are really nothing more than scams designed to take your money, but the so-called "jobs" are usually little more than virtual envelope-stuffing programs where you are given ads to post on sites YOU have to find and where you are paid, not for the number of ads you post, but on each sale the ad you post actually generates.

Guess how much most people are going to make with these kinds of programs?  Zero!  No... that's not correct...  It's actually zero MINUS the amount you paid to get that "job" in the first place.

Beware of ads that offer you a job for a price!  Most of them are posted by suckers - I mean, people - who were sucked in by the very ad that has caught your attention.  They will get their "wage" when you click on the ad they have posted and pay the fee.

You can find a great job via the internet, but you have to be careful and you have to know where to look.  A high quality job bank usually offers secure membership for a very low, one time  fee, and can be an amazing source of almost every kind of job you can think of.

Jobs in business, clerical, customer service, engineering, programming, finance, graphic art, human resource, sales and marketing, transcription, web design, writing and more are all possible to do from home via the internet in this modern world.  

It's no longer necessary to try to juggle between commuting to work every day and trying to raise a family at home.  You can now stay home with an excellent job WHILE raising a family.

Do a little digging before joining just any job bank.  Some will sadly disappoint you, as you'll find make their money selling ad space to pyramid scams, chain letters,commercial ads disguised as job offers,  and other outrageous schemes and claims.

Find a company that specializes in telecommuting and work from home jobs, and that screens all postings to ensure that only genuine, high quality, professional and up-to-date job listings are included.

If you are one of the many who have spent any time looking for a job online, you've likely spent most of that time clicking off hype, poor offers and scams.  Unfortunately, that IS the norm, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Job hunting on the internet can be very rewarding when you find the right job bank.  It's not necessary to jump at the very first job that catches your eye, either!  In this remarkable new online world, there are thousands and thousands of opportunities becoming available every day.

You can join a good job bank, sign up for their newsletter, and take your time to find the job you REALLY want and KNOW you will enjoy. 

One very good telecommuting resource for work at home jobs is HomeJobStop.  They offer one of the rare job boards that successfully maintains a support-based structure completely free of commercial advertising.  They do not accept paid ads on their job board, nor do they make outrageous claims, nor do they permit outrageous claims to enter their job bank.  This is exactly the kind of listing site you should be looking for.

When job hunting online, the bottom line is, take your time and enjoy your search.  Find a job you will LOVE, not a J.O.B. that makes you a slave to misery.  There's nothing wrong with working for someone else - contrary to popular belief, even those of us who are "self-employed" are working for someone else.  Our boss' name is Customer!

The main thing is that whether your boss is Mr. Jones or Ms. Customer, you spend a great deal of time in this life working to earn a living.  Love what you do and have a great life!

God bless,


Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Work From Home. Really...
6/25/2007 11:11:03 PM
Thank you Dave for the explination. That was very helpful tips for us to take heed too. No adays there are way to MANY MANY scams that try to take us down.
Good Luck ALL as you try to make a living Online.
KathY K
Flag of Don White

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Re: Work From Home. Really...
6/25/2007 11:54:02 PM

Thanks Dave,

Good advise for anyone.  Although I do read about 1-2 % of those I receive in regular mail.  Thanks for tip.  I will look into that site.


Flag of Tanya V.

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Re: Work From Home. Really...
6/26/2007 12:30:18 AM
Hi Dave,

As usual, I always enjoy reading your very informative forums.  My daughter, who is a new Mom to our first grandson, just found an online job doing book blocking.

Not sure if it was the job bank you have posted, but she did find the job online, and is being fully trained at no cost to her.

There are reputable jobs out there, but you do have to be careful and do your homework.

Thanks for your fabulous tips Dave!  :)

Flag of Donna Zuehl

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Re: Work From Home. Really...
6/26/2007 12:59:59 AM
You make some very good points Dave. There are way too many scams out there and very few honest ads. Thanks for the tip on Home Job Stop. I signed up for their newsletter to learn more about their service. DonnaZ

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