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Bj Burgess

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Re: Some Changes -ALP
6/26/2007 12:22:45 AM

Hi Thomas

Thank you for doing this for Bogdan and being the special person you are.

Thanks Bogdan for all the extra features you've created for us.

We love Adland




Thomas Richmond

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Re: Some Changes -ALP
6/26/2007 12:57:17 AM

Like i said Bj this is the place where my dreams came true! Thanks for your comments...

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Pauline Raina

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Re: Some Changes -ALP
6/26/2007 2:22:57 AM
Yes Thomas, you are soooooo right my bro; things have gotten better and I am having a wonderful time enjoying my friends sooo much that Ive forgotten about business ehehhehehehe :-)

I  take my hat off to Bogdan and  staff for  making  this the best place to be !!!! God bless you all, you lovely people.

Have a great day !!

warmest regards

Pauline R

Rinna Rani

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Re: Some Changes -ALP
6/26/2007 2:27:03 AM

Dear Thomas,
Hello Adland prayerwarrior.  Hope you are fine & having an amazing day & time wherever you are.  Thank you for being a hero and stepping up and making the 1st step in thanking Bogdan & team for all that they have done.  I truly like the 'Buddy System' as the newbies do not feel alone and lost.  At least, they can refer to one of the Adlanders for advise.  Such a great person you are for having an appreciation for Bogdan.  Thank you sweet sweet man.

Dear Bogdan & Team,
Hello and hope all of you are fine.  Just wanted to drop a quick note thanking you and your team for the job well done with Adland Pro, its new buddy system and online store.  You have a passion to your business and it has brought you far.

Thank you for introducing Adland to me.  I have enjoyed my time here with my friends and if its not for you, we would not have known Adland Pro.  With that said, thank you for all that you do and GOD bless!

Love, Rina
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Some Changes -ALP
6/26/2007 4:01:04 AM

Thanks to everyone for  their efforts.


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