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Re: June Best Forum Awards: Vote Here!
6/25/2007 9:56:54 PM

Hello Michael!

My crystal bowl say my favourite forum will win :)

Very good luck to all competitors, and to you Michael :

                                                                     thank you a lot!


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Re: June Best Forum Awards: Vote Here!
6/25/2007 10:29:03 PM
Hello Michael,
My vote is in. Good luck to all!
Have a great week!
Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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Re: June Best Forum Awards: Vote Here!
6/25/2007 11:02:50 PM
Thanks for the invitation. My vote has been casted. I wish you all the best. Looking forward to seeing who it is.
Kathy K
Re: June Best Forum Awards: Vote Here!
6/25/2007 11:17:02 PM

Hello Michael and Friends

   This forum is a fantastic idea. To make more people aware of the opportunity we have here to share ideas and even cultures with people from all over the world is just incredible. I have seen so many communities become so business oriented that it became actually boring being a part of them. There is so much more to life.

   With 50,000 plus members, I wonder how many people have actually thought about the potential here for making a real difference in the world. For example, think of the impact that 50,000 people could have on the lives of children with autism if all of us were to even just sign a petition and then forwarded it to a few friends. As a community working together, we have the power the change the world. If not the whole world, at least part of it that needs a little help and understanding.

   Thank You Michael , Bogdan and associates of Adlandpro, for giving us the opportunity to really make a difference.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerely, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
Stop Illegal IImmigration
Visit the Billallys Pub network at:
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
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Re: June Best Forum Awards: Vote Here!
6/26/2007 12:42:50 AM
Hi Everybody!

 I voted! Have a great week!

              Best Wishes,


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