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Marion Tucker

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Re: The Big Wish (Nick)
6/25/2007 1:25:16 PM
Hey Nick,

I didn't mean any offense.  Just joking around.  Can you take a bit of ribbing??  I just meant everything looked real serene until the end.  LOL! 

God Bless You!
Marion :-)
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Nick Sym

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Re: The Big Wish (Nick)
6/25/2007 4:08:41 PM

Oh Marion!

If you could offend me then you would be the first my dear - lol - this is a big problem on any chat is that we do not have the opportunity to see the persons face when sending or answering a reply - I'm just delighted you came by for a visit to the forum, that made me very happy and if I ever bump into you on the street you will get a very big loving hug - now is'nt that better. 

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