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Nick Sym

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The Big Wish (Nick)
6/22/2007 2:47:04 AM

A New Poem I Just Finished

Hope You Enjoy



The Big Wish



I wish I could gently run my fingers through the stars,

and dance in circles in a refreshing, cleansing rain

To take all the people in the world that hurt,

and wash away all their tormenting pain



I wish I could fill the empty stomachs of the children,

and promise to give their little hearts hope

To give them my word of a bountiful future,

so their tiny spirits could cope



I wish I could stop the senseless slayings around the world,

the slow destruction of all mankind

To generate an everlasting peace,

that we soon must all find



I wish that I could take one minute,

to speak with Almighty God

And ask him the one big question "Why"



Only to find I will get my answer,

on the day that I must die!



By Nick Sym

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Dimitra Bravou

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Re: The Big Wish (Nick)
6/22/2007 3:08:15 AM
Hello Nick,

Lovely poem. When I read it, it reminds me of the following song. I hope you like it too.

Click on the image and listen!



Nick Sym

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Re: The Big Wish (Nick)
6/22/2007 3:19:51 AM

Dear Dimitra

That really brought back some memories and I am so happy you enjoyed the poem, it took most of the night to put everything together but it was well worth it to share with my friends!

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Re: The Big Wish (Nick)
6/22/2007 4:17:52 AM

Hi Nick

What a beautiful poem - if only we could heal the worlds pain with such beautiful words.

Love & Peace


Rose Enderud

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Re: The Big Wish (Nick)
6/22/2007 5:28:25 AM
Hello Nick,
That is a lovely poem. If each of us did something to bring a little happiness each day, together we could make a difference.
I see you doing your part all the time.