Thank you Joyce. Yes you know I could of chose to be unhappy & sad but instead I said " O.k. Lord I am yours what is it you want me to see & what is it you want me to focus on because there is NO self pity here. So I turned & noticed my kids needed me from the Divorce, Then I noticed that I was needed to pray for more of my friends, Pray for my Ex hubby to get back on track with God himself, Pray for my family as we have some whom are under the weather a bit. Once the focus was on others Boy oh boy was I able to SEE & HEAR what God was saying to me. WOW talk about expand your faith & help you to GROW. He is a mighty & AWESOME God & I am not afriad to show it. Thank you for your prayers they are sufficient for me. Yes I may be home for another 3 weeks But I am o.k. with that. Take care Joyce Kathy K