Dear Branka,
I knew when I met you that you were very special. At the time I had no idea of what challenges and adversity you had faced in your life. When Joe suggested I nominate you for our Woman of Courage, I heartily agreed, but in the beginning I truly had no idea to what extent you were a Woman of Courage.
When you sent me your bio and in the days that followed before we featured you here, I found myself often in tears for what you had endured and were willing to share with us.
After being featured and your loss so sudden after that, I was in emotional turmoil. Because of your wonderful gift, I know you will understand what I'm talking about.
I just want you to know you stand shoulders above us.
You are a true Woman of Courage and I'm honored to be among your Friends.
When I began sharing Judy's HUGS with you, I had no idea of their meaning for you. You are a beautiful butterfly and like a butterfly you bring happiness with you wherever you go.
I bless you and embrace you with love of my soul
With Peace & Tranquility