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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Friends
6/19/2007 9:17:38 AM

Hi Branka ,

Always a pleasure ,cool a massage therapist the best person to know after a days work :-) Great list of hobbies my Mom always us to spend her relaxing time Knitting while we all had family TV time amazing how she could knit and watch the program. Thank You for sharing with us Hope your having a great week :-) Lee

Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Re: Friends
6/19/2007 9:25:55 AM

Hey Nick,

Thank You  Bro .........I'm honored to except a friendship rose from you and always feel blessed with your friendship . :-) Lee

P.S I Think the yellow will help bring out my blue eyes  lol :-)

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Friends
6/19/2007 9:26:02 AM
Hello Lee,

Thank you for the invitation. It is an honour being your friend. I know you since April 2005. You are a great friend. I appreciate all what you are doing. Your WebSite is professional, user friendly and well designed.

Friends I recommend this man both as a friend and business man.


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Re: Friends
6/19/2007 9:30:08 AM

Hi Qaim,

Thank you for sharing your business adventure with us ,I paid the site a visit and so all our friends know more about what it is your offer I hope you do not mind me recapping your offer here . Gods speed :-) Lee


Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Re: Friends
6/19/2007 9:53:02 AM

Dear GEO,

Thank You my dear friend ,The pleasure is mine to be honored with our friendship over these years "Love the graphic" your awesome ...

What would life be with out friends like thee
I'll tell you, like no longer being free.
Imagine what life would be so sad and blue
To go through life without that special you.
And I know we live so far away
Through the internet we are like castaways
Never get to touch or hug you for this I only pray
For some day I hope we can meet
To hug and laugh and dance to the beat
I know this would be a treat
For now this is all I see
Is my good friend here with me
Just think what life would be
Without friends like thee


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