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Re: Red Hot Mamas
6/18/2007 8:08:44 AM

" I'm not sure why the Red & Purple go together in this way when they really do clash."

Dear Red Hot Mamas, I`ll try to explain. RED is colour of vital energy known as chi or prana. Somewhere you can find explanation that energy of anger is red coloured. That`s also truth. Each time when we are angry of some one , WE GIVE OUR chi energy TO THAT PERSONE! So, tranquility holds our chi energy with us.

Purple ray (and colour) holds spirituality and power, also it goes with mysticism, seduction etc.

So,  women above 50, usually   have more wisdom than when they were younger, and they do not allow each anger to disappear their most important energy. Red hat suits them very well.

Wisdom is bandwidth with power (and it is power). Power to direct chi for the greatest wealth and joy ...

So, Red Hot Mamas know what suits them the best!

Joe Severa

133 Posts
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Re: Red Hot Mamas
6/18/2007 9:31:02 AM

Hi Dimitra:

First off, Happy Birthday (50's are the NEW 40's, trust me!)

May I suggest that if hats are not your thang that you consider a red head band & a purple feather, which is what a cool 1920's flapper would wear.



Joe Severa, Owner Flexera Intl Ltd. ANA/DSHEA Certified
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Red Hot Mamas
6/18/2007 10:01:52 AM
Hi Joe,

Thank you for your post. I like to see men here.

My reply to your question is that I don't like to have anything on my head!   Neither my husband!!!!!



Joe Severa

133 Posts
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Re: Red Hot Mamas
6/18/2007 10:14:31 AM

Thank you Dimitra, I'm old 'nuff to remember what the flappers wore in the 1920's, & I was once engaged to a Revlon model for a time, the models of those bygone years wore feathers everywhere, ROFL!

If my wife wasn't a RED HAT herself, I'd never have dared posted in here, you women are too tough for me, but I admit, I LOVE WOMEN!!!

Dah Joe!



Joe Severa, Owner Flexera Intl Ltd. ANA/DSHEA Certified
Dimitra Bravou

1603 Posts
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Re: Red Hot Mamas
6/18/2007 10:22:16 AM
Oh Joe,

Sorry, I didn't mean you are an old man. Not at all, I am an old woman!!!

In my country old women used to put on their head a kerchief (I am not sure this is the right word - lol). Not anymore, thanks to God. They looked sooooo old with that.

What I was trying to say is that I feel nervous with anything on my head.



