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Kathy Hamilton

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a warning list for signs of domestic violence
6/14/2007 7:16:49 PM

Warning List

This list identifies a series of behaviors typically demonstrated by batterers and abusive people. All of these forms of abuse, psychological, economic, and physical - come from the batterer's desire for power and control. The list can help you recognize if you or someone you know is in a violent relationship. check off those behaviors that apply to the relationship. The more checks on the page, the more dangerous the situation may be.

Emotional and Economic Attacks

*Destructive Criticism/Verbal Abuse: Name-calling; mocking; accusing; blaming; yelling; swearing; making humiliating remarks or gestures.

*Pressure Tactics: Rushing you to make decisions through "guilt-tripping" and other forms of intimidation; sulking; threatening to withhold money; manipulating the children; telling you what to do.

*Abusing Authority: Always claiming to be right (insisting statements are "the truth"); telling you what to do; making big decisions; using "logic."

*Disrespect: Interrupting; changing topics; not listening or responding; twisting your words; putting you down in front of other people; saying bad things about your friends and family.

*Abusing Trust: Lying; withholding information; cheating on you; being overly jealous.

*Breaking Promises: Not following through on agreements; not taking a fair share of responsibility; refusing to help with child care or housework.

*Emotional Withholding: Not expressing feelings; not giving support, attention, or compliments; not respecting feelings, rights, or opinions.

*Minimizing, Denying & Blaming: Making Light of behavior and not taking your concerns about it seriously; saying the abuse didn't happen; shifting responsibility for abusive behavior; saying you caused it.

*Economic Control: Interfering with your work or not letting you work; refusing to give you or taking your money; taking your car keys or otherwise preventing you from using the car; threatening to report you to welfare or other social service agencies.

* Self-Destructive Behavior: Abusing drugs or alcohol; threatening suicide or other forms of self-harm; deliberately saying or doing things that will have negative consequences (e.g., telling off the boss)..

* Isolation: Preventing or making it difficult for you to see friends or relatives; monitoring phone calls; telling you where you can and cannot go..

* Harassment: Making uninvited visits or calls; following you; checking up on you; embarrassing you in public; refusing to leave when asked..

Acts of Violence

* Intimidation: Making angry or threatening gestures; use of physical size to intimidate; standing in doorway during arguments; out shouting you; driving recklessly..

* Destruction: Destroying your possessions (e.g., furniture); punching walls; throwing and/or breaking things..

* Threats: Making and/or carrying out threats to hurt you or others..

* Sexual Violence: Degrading treatment based on your sex or sexual orientation; using force or coercion to obtain sex or perform sexual acts..

* Physical Violence: Being violent to you, your children, household pets or others; Slapping; punching; grabbing; kicking; choking; pushing; biting; burning; stabbing; shoots; etc..

* Weapons: Use of weapons, keeping weapons around which frighten you; threatening or attempting to kill you or those you love..

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Re: a warning list for signs of domestic violence
6/15/2007 7:14:15 PM

Hello my friends, well I have been at a Seminar all day and they are teaching people from all walks of life about Domestic Violence Under the uniform Act Law you can now name your abuser publicly as much as  you want.It is so others know about the abuser and that for you all as women or men to stay away from the abuser and your family so they can not abuse you.yes folks it is true it is set up by the Legislaters to protect women from ever being abused, So If your abuser has ever been in jail or on probation which mine has I can tell the world publicly exactly what his name is i am at this moment going to save that name for one of my other colums.

but yes Ladies do not think for one moment you can get in any trouble for stating the abusers name.It is not defamation of character or it is not slander,If they have a jail record and have been on probation then yes ladies and gentlemen by all means you are covered by the uniform act law of Domestic Violence.

They cant claim its a lie if they have a record!!!

So this gives us back some of our Power to let the abuser know that the world will hear that they are an abuser.


So hopefully this will deter the abuser to leave the victims alone.


I will be  updating you all as I get more new information..

Have an amazing day and feel good they we have our Power back.

Let me help you to Empower yourself against Domesticv Violence.


I am home if any one wants to chat.

Kathy Hamilton/

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I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: a warning list for signs of domestic violence
6/15/2007 7:40:51 PM
Pass this around to all your friends,Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: a warning list for signs of domestic violence
6/16/2007 1:13:12 PM
Hey Kathy I just copied same thing to post there!

Are you reading my mind?
Good  keep up these 10ths

as you see I have 90 more to go and we are only at 48 pages and 437 replies 3204 view. It will end after the winner of 100th POTW  wich means there will be a celebraton party too. An Angel will win the 100th POTW.

Ladies and Gentlemen THE HONOUR IS YOURS

#1 Beverly
#2 Emmanuel
#3 Jeffrey OBrien
#4 Eileen Harvey
#5 Dave Young
#6 Greer Trumble
#7 JoeLee
#8 Marion Tucker
#9 David G. Smith
#1O Kathy Hamilton

Lady Kathy Hamilton you are an Angel

Congratulations my friends

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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