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Kathy Hamilton

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You know Domestic violence effects billions of people in our country
6/13/2007 8:44:41 PM

Hello my friends,

This month is dedicated to all the women and men who have been a victim of Domestic Violence,

You know  Domestic violence effects billions of people in our country.

You know no one ever asks to be abused and it certainly is not apparent to the victim at the beginning stages  that there partner is abuseive,it is a very slow process over time each day it just creeps upon you and before you know it your a slave to the Domestic violence. Teach your family the signs if some one ever starts to take your power from you then you know that is a red flag.


Search the net for information about Domestic Violence.


Kathy Hamilton/

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Diane Bjorling

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Re: You know Domestic violence effects billions of people in our country
6/13/2007 9:27:44 PM

Dear  Kathy:

Thank-you for bringing this terrible injustice forward and for recognizing that it is both men as well as women who can and do suffer through this.  In my life I have worked with women who have been abused, but I have also worked with many men who have been physically as well as emotionally abused by their partners.  There is not nearly the resources for men as there is for women.  For example.. In  British Columbia..we have resources for  women 24 hrs a day..7 days a week and not nearly enough I might add.  For men there is a call line 5 days a week maybe 8 hrs a day.  What is wrong with that picture??  It takes an abused partner to make the attempt to leave at least 5 to 7 times if not more..depending on factors..that has been my experience.  One good tip for all abused partners is to start by getting all id. and important papers - getting copies made and leaving them with a trusted friend or trusted family member.  You will need it.  Sorry for rambling kathy..not my intention..

You are one very special lady - dont ever forget it -  :-)

Peace and light to you at all times


Kathy Hamilton

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Re: You know Domestic violence effects billions of people in our country
6/13/2007 9:54:29 PM
Hello Diane,
Thank you so much, Have you ever actually known some one who is an abuser???
Have you ever noticed they always try to make the other person look bad to take the light off themselves???

Ya gotta wonder how someone who has gotten remarried would still be bothering their x. you think that the question would be with the new wife why did he even really marry her???What would be the motive of the x still bothering the x wife after 2 years doing???

I would think after 2 years the new married couple would go about creating their own life not bothering with the x wife after 2 years have gone by!!!
But its really the answer is with abusers it is about how dare the x wife ever think to leave the abuser due to taking their power and control away.

It really pisses the abuser off that the x wife is very successful and has actually made a great life for herself and he is mad that he doesnt have a piece of it.

Thats my take on it
any ways Diane please post your story on my blog for others around the world can share.

Sorry apparently someone does not want you to read Emilys story ill have to redo it later , but you all can go to my 360 page on yahoo and read Mollys and Emily story there, No one can touch that!!!!
So please go look it up on 360 yahoo under Kathy Hamilton or simikathy

there story will be told

Emily a soon to be 12th grader but look, she is such an achiever that she no longer goes to school she is a 17 year old now who is in College classes.
Well she is now going to be an example once again  to show other kids that even though you come from abuse and Domestic Violence you can rise above adversities.




I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Diane Bjorling

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Re: You know Domestic violence effects billions of people in our country
6/13/2007 10:31:56 PM

Dear kathy:

I will answer your two parts of the question both valid and am so glad that you are asking good questions.

One.. I have know both abusers and victims.  Sometimes when helping the victims you have no choice but to meet the abusers..fact of life here.  Often times an abuser does not look or act as such, until you have gotten to know them, but then unless the abuse is outward..a victim does not look as a victim either, but the damage can last a lifetime and affect all a person says or does..including finding a healthy life.

Just so you know, I come from a position of knowing first hand ..I did not give permission for this at anytime..but mistakenly felt that they would change..I could change them... worse yet..I felt if I changed and be as they wanted then it would all stop ..ya right!  Abuse in any form is about pwer and control..  just another my answer to your second part is that in such a hypethetical not give any abusers that power and control..way not kewl!!  Look at that person for what they are.  Don't give in to such garbage for they are winning.  Does this help??

my best to you


P.S.  It may be hard and difficult..but sometimes..beleive it or not..laughing does indeed help..  :-)

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: You know Domestic violence effects billions of people in our country
6/13/2007 10:49:06 PM
Hello sweety,
Thank you, You know no one ever gives permission,It is not that any one allows it either, it creeps up on you out of no where, slowly, first it is the repremand, the yelling gets alittle louder, then the ordering you not to do this or that, the isolation starts, you donot want to see him get mad so  you give in to what he says.
then all the other stages fall one after the other, but they do it in such a slow manipulative  way, that before you know it you are so battered mentally and then it becomes physical.
Diane it is never ok for any one to do this to another, you can never change any one from who they are, there character is like how Ted Bundy was mostly, theyre charming to everyone but a monster behind closed doors, but the funny thing is all your neighbors here it and the abuser doesnt even care. yet the neighbors never want to get involved as well how sad is that???

I am just so thank ful to god that I found Adlandpro because Adlandpro literally gave me the courage to stand up to my x and say no more!!!!It really did save our lives literally, someone was going to end up dead!!!!!
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking