Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to give everyone an update on our dear friend Kathy Kanouse. Kathy wrote to me today to let me know how she is doing and asked me to let all of you know as well! The update will follow below.
This weekend is the last time that people will be able to order from the Online Tupperware party that I started to help Kathy. She also gave me a report on how well that was doing, and it seems that the many people that said they would order still have not done so. I am asking you to please take time to go and order now! Remember, this is NOT for my benefit, but rather for the benefit of Kathy and her children.
Also, if anyone would like to just send Kathy some money you may do so by sending it to the following PayPal address; jamila13us@yahoo.com. My husband and I are sending Kathy $100...so let me challenge others to do the same or whatever you can afford.
Come on...Kathy's suppose to have so many friends here, so let's all try to help and do what we can!
Here's the note from Kathy on her progress.....
From Kathy Kanouse: RE: Update on accident |
Marilyn, Just so you know I was at the Doctor on Monday afternoon & this one bad spot ( above my big toe & the next toe) still aren't healing well. So they put piece of gauze over the wound with a medicine called " Scarlet Red" . This medicine is suppose to cause the wound to scab over & create it's own scab. I will be returning to the Doctor again this next Monday & we will see what has become of this medicine. I am praying it does it's job & willl start to heal so we do not have to turn to a skin graff. Friends Please keep praying for healing for me. God is good & he has each step Planned & I rest in that. I am now walking more & can now stand to cook so healing is coming along in Gods time not mine... Please pass this on... Kathy K
Thanks to the people that have helped out so far. I appreciate it and I know Kathy does as well! And don't forget to keep praying for her too.
God Bless You All,
Love Marilyn