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Flag of Joyce Sanders

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Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
8/10/2007 11:55:35 AM
Hi Robert,

Excellent Post!  I find trying to make money on the internet next to impossible.  I do not think people realize how much time it consumes to make enough money to brag about!

Writing articles works, but then again don't you have to do a lot of promotion so people find your articles?  I don't know.

Best Regards,
Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
8/13/2007 3:12:08 AM

Hi Joyce

The thing about article sites like the ones i give you once you submite them others can use them on there sites as long as they include your links in them its a good way to build taffic up to your site

In the past i use the same way of building taffic to one of my sites to about 100k hits a month it does work but does take alittle time those also

I hope theat helps some

Robert Phillips

Flag of Andrew Gerrie

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Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
9/28/2007 4:07:06 AM
Thanks for the great info Robert and links.

I have an ebook which I am marketing called The Astonishing Power of Gratitude! iscover how to fix the 5 big mistakes that keep you from putting gratiude to work for you! This will realy help in marketing my ebook.

Thanks Robert

Download your free ebook "The Astonishing Power of Gratitude!" Have 1 million vistors to your website per month FREE
Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
10/4/2007 5:28:55 AM

Hi Andrew

Am glad to help all check out your ebook as well 

Talk to you soon 

Robert Phillips

Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
12/23/2007 12:37:08 PM

Here is my gift back to you and yours.

Please READ through the “Secret Santa” story on my Blog at . I wish each and every one of you here at Adlandpro a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and peace and prosperity in a HAPPY NEW YEAR.


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Gunther G.

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991

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