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Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
6/13/2007 8:02:43 AM

Hi Robert!

Where have you been?  What a terrific list of resources!!  Thanks for sharing them and the info about the article writing.  Your information is always valuable!!


Flag of Chris Agostarola

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Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
6/13/2007 11:10:50 AM

Hi Robert,

Great post. I have a friend who writes articles I am going to share this with him. I am sure it will help him alot.


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Flag of Joyce Sanders

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Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
6/13/2007 8:20:45 PM
Super post Robert!! I find that writing is sometimes like pulling hen's teeth!! Maybe my brain is backfireing but I just can't seem to get thought to paper. I will check out some of the sites.  They look great!

Do you use any writing software to compose your articles?

8:17:31 PM

Flag of Leo Cozmiuc

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Robert.. This list it's impressive
6/13/2007 9:23:51 PM
You have done a lot of hard work (as me before) and I understand what do you mean by be kept busy... I give up, and I purchased a submitter tool to 375 free article directories. So no I submitted an article to them at the evening... and let in the night to submit it automatically. It take me more time at the begining, to register with so many.. even I had a tool for that... So far here are the results on Yahoo and Google ( I never submitted my websites or articles to search engines) I have to work more to my grammar, so I look for others writers to review my articles, before to submit them. You are very good in introducing these directories, straight to the point. I like your style.. Just let you know that I am on pre-launch of and I invite you to post your list there too. All the best,
Leo Cozmiuc Mess id: Privilege_America
Flag of Mary Hannan

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Re: Writing articles brands you as an expert
6/13/2007 9:50:45 PM
Hello Robert,
Thanks for the info and links. Sounds like a plan to me. I will try this.

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