Hello everyone, Nan is an amazing women, she knows how I work, So right now she is giving me a run for my money. Poor thing she must of blogged all day knowing I would be coming to that community. She must have a million blogs up. Wow I just may not be able to blog her out. But Every one should tell Nan how amazing she is.
With moving into my new house one would think how on earth can it be that Kathy Hamilton can be blogging and doing so much. wow I love to challenge my self.I love to use my self as an example for others to see if you work as hard as Nan and me do then great things will happen in your life. God blesses me daily because I have faith that he will help me to reach all my goals each day. My Dream house God brought that to me because I was first deligent to him. Any ways hard work does pay off.
Kathy Hamilton