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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/14/2007 3:01:51 PM
DEE my partner, my friend, my help, did i ever post something in here? to many posts to go through lol. I wanted to give you my thoughts of DEE HUDSON. As a marketeer i started out knowing nothing about anything of promoting, looking around for ways to do so i found Adlandpro and Dee you were there for me among a few others in here.... Thank you DEE. Enjoy your week my friend!
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
James Wright

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Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/14/2007 8:35:15 PM

Dee, congratulations my friend, I'm sure you've been enjoying your time in the spotlight this week. Blessings on you!

Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/15/2007 6:43:06 AM

Congratulations Dee!!! So nice to see you in this spot. Hope your online ventures are doing great for you

Thanks for all of your invitations to the Social Networking groups. Life is BUSY these days, it's hard to spend time there.

Again, it's great to see you here!!

Your Guruette On The Net Marianne McEachern Success Consultant
Joyce Sanders

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Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/15/2007 7:09:18 AM
Congratulations DEE!!  HUGSSS!  Great Bio. Wish you the best of luck with your online business.  Keep up the good work.

Warmest Regards,
Jerilyn Merideth

1618 Posts
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Re: Welcome to AdlandPro's 98th Person of the Week (POTW) forum!!!
6/15/2007 1:49:47 PM


Take Care,


Jerilyn Merideth "Cutest Critter Photo Contest" now through April 30, 2011. "The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals" ~ Anonymous"