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Beth Binkley

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Re: Pat has joined the JD Radiance Team
6/24/2007 3:50:37 PM

Pat, Welcome to the team!!!


So, what does our updated line up look like now?

Best Wishes,



Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Pat has joined the JD Radiance Team
6/24/2007 6:08:38 PM
Hello Beth,

I am waiting to hear from Sharon Lee (her computer
fatally died and she has had to get a new one) as JD radiance campaign started on my 7th level and once
past my 7th level I cannot see who has joined until I
am informed.  So when I hear I will post the updates
and whom they are placed under.

Join my daughter Keries Team


Linda Harvey

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Re: Pat has joined the JD Radiance Team
6/24/2007 7:42:59 PM
A Warm Welcome to all our New Team in JD Radiance ! As Sharon's Computer died, here is an update on Team building for JD Radiance Team for the Enhanced Products of the Omega Rich Supplements and Skin Care Line ! SHARON LEE DOWNLINE 1 Sam Hall (JDSam) Email - NEW! 2 Alaskangal G (Alaskangalteam) - NEW! 2 LaNell - (LaNell) - NEW! 1 Artistic Rose (JDArtisticrose) - NEW! 2 Steven Suchar (sjs) - NEW! 1 Kerie London (keries) - NEW! 2 katheryn Haigler (toxinfreeradiance) - NEW! 3 Valerie Clavin (Radiance4U) - NEW! 3 Beth Binkley (4yourfamily) - NEW! 1 4MyFamily (4MyFamily) Email - NEW! 2 lloyd cope (LloydsSkinCare) - NEW! 1 Harvey's TEAM (HarveysRadianceTeam) - NEW! 2 Omega Radiance Team (omegaradianceteam) NEW! 2 Mark Gibson (justdoit) - NEW! 2 Luella May (radiantbeauty) - NEW! 1 PATRICIA BARTCH (PatsRadianceTeam) - NEW! Linda, TeamLeader/Guardian
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: JD Radiance, whole new Team Build and Campaign Training
6/24/2007 11:09:50 PM

EXPLODING With Additional Income!!!

Introducing JDRadiance Check Us Out Below

The Welcome addition of Jerky Directs Toxic Free Skin Care Line. Appropriately Named,
JD Premium Products.

Hurry and Join Our Tremendous Growth. JDRadiance Will Place Its members to assure and Guarantee Your Success!! ALL New Members will be rotated under Strong Team Leaders.

JD Radiance: is a whole new campaign, we are promoting the Skin Care line and the Oil Rich Supplements.

This business will appeal to a whole new line of people e.g. women who like natural ingredient skin care and health consciencous people who
like their vitamins and minerals.

We would like for New members to autoship the Skin care and suppliments for enhance
commissions if at all possible. If you want just
the Jerky snacks,That is fine also, you could
consider ordering two sets ($24.00) of jerky
which will bring you into the 'enhanced

These two lines are more expensive to buy and they are placed into the 'enhanced' commissions where members are paid more for buying and selling these two lines.

If you are already a distributor for Jerky Direct
you maybe wondering Which Business?:

We need to be thinking about targeting two different types of clientelle and audience and
finding out which program new members would
fit into better. 

Jerky Direct for jerky meat snacks and fruit stix
or JD Reliance if they are looking for natural ingredient skin care or Supplement line . - Let's, Give them what they want.

Benefits of Omega Radiance skin care audio
in your back office: Listen here

Kerie's Team


Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: JD Radiance, welcomes a new member
6/26/2007 12:50:08 AM

I  wish
Oniece Gregory a very warm welcome,
who is our newest member to JD Radiance.

Keries Team



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