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Re: Communities
3/27/2008 7:57:57 AM
Hey Dee, I totally agree. I'm in over 20+ social networking sites, some paying C-A-$-H ! Thanks, Steve


I'm a member of a lot of great forums & communities where you can promote MyLot (paid $17.59 via PayPal (PROOF) recently) & your other programs for free. Some even pay you cash! Take your social networking to a new level today!
AdLandPro (get linked from up to 120,000+ members)
ApSense (send bulletins, add contacts, post blogs, free ad credits)
BeBo (85th most popular English-language website; post photos)
BigDaddyPays ($50 free advertising)
BizPreneur (earn $1 per signup)
CMU7 (Be a marketing guru for free, plus elite 4x7 paying matrix)
DirectMatches (this is one of the H-O-T-T-E-S-T on the net now)!
ElePages (they're placing 10,000 people under existing members)
FaceBook (dozens of great features; 1 cent per ad clicked too)!
Friendster (make lots of friends here; add info to promote yourself)
FriendsWin (earn solid CA$H for participating in a powerful matrix)
Gather ($4 per referral)
HubPages (you can post hubs or write articles and gain exposure)
Kanggie (free premium membership upgrade with only 3 referrals!)
Lazzeo (enter friend runningman72)
Me (earn 50 cents for every $1 your community generates)
MySpace (popular site generates $32 billion in annual revenue)!
MyYearBook (get 100 points per referral & battle people for $)
Ning (setup your own group & page here; join forces with 1000's)!
OJeez (another good one with a fantastic affiliate program)
OrKut (this is Google's masterpiece and ranked high at
ProNepal (this is a forum where you get paid cash to participate)
RotaTrix (all members are entered to win a $1,500 luxury cruise!)
SalesSpider (I've earned $35.71 in revenue with little participation!)
ShareAPic (earn 10% per referral)
uVme (want your share of the $412/second revenue generated?)
Wink (this site is really exploding my social networking exposure!!!)
Xing (very powerful network to gain valuable business contacts!!!)
Yaari (this is a great Indian social networking site open to all people)
Yuwie (earn CA$H for participating at this site) PROOF
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog

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