for a well deserved win for being the
BEST FORUM MAY 2007 ~ Person of The Week (POTW) ~ Dear John & Pauline, Hey ya both of you. Hope you are fine & your day has been great this far. Congratulations once again to both of you. Both of you are 2 outstanding individuals with big hearts, mind & soul.
am lucky to be given the opportunity to cross your path as a friend.
What you do in this forum is a blessing indirectly to you. You
both take the time and effort to recognise people and their effort and
you both even extend the warmest welcome to new members who have
created a big and yet unknow to them impact.
It makes people
like me feel at home, lucky as well as just have the sense of
belonging. You both have done something that others would take long
time to do. You give people appreciation and love and I admire both of
you so much. Thank you for making me part of your circle of friends. This nomination and win is well deserved.
the 2 most loving, warm, appreciative, supportive, encouraging, down to
earth, peaceful, beautiful, etc etc etc (list goes on), I love you.
And to the rest of the nominees, you are all winners in your own way. Thank you so much for being around and making our lives special with your forums. So, even though there only 1 winner that is able to be crowned, please know that you all are winners in your own way too.
Love, Rina