There are several distinct criteria one should insist that a new oppotunity have depending on your ultimate networking financial and time constraints. one is that you must determine whether an oppotunity is actually going to produce real spendable income in 30-60 days to pay your bills and return your investment or if it is a more long term investment that you are willing to let incubate for a while providing your financially capable of the wait.
It must have a methodology of immediately capturing and converting people from a casual interest to abuyer. A visual movie can do this. If it is properly produced. It must contain an automated follow-up and through program that is for real, that drips on people with new audos and visuals that are enriched and powerful. The system must have an ongoing training and support network because the internet is vast and perplexing to a newcomer. You may not want any tangible products like vitamins, potions or lotions. Since you using software it seems reasonable to me the product should be of that medium. ON going conference and informational access through conference calls and media transfer are essential. You need support and reinforcing backup. You may get busy and need to call on the system and it's best resource, your associates! You want it to be strictly internet based, No expenditures for meeting , conventions, award ceremonies, if its that successful your associates and you can plan your own cruises and the like. Let me wrap up my recommendation with this point.
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