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Rinna Rani

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Re: Post Your Business Opportunities Here
7/14/2007 10:43:00 AM
My Programs
1st Program:
Insider Blueprint

~ Learn how to earn money within the next 24 hours.
~ Use a very simple principled way to earn money online.
~ Get super responsive MLM leads without calling anyone.
~ 100% Guaranteed.
~ This is NOT another E-Book!
~ A business to be proud of ~ discover an amazing company with a great humanitarian purpose.  YOU can make a fortune helping others help themselves.

2nd Program:
SiteWizard SEO

~ A guide for creating a quality website that can generate a steady and growing income without much maintenance.
~ Quick growing downline program.
~ Website revenue grows.
~ Achieve Financial Independence faster.
~ Shift business to high gear.
~ Advertise Multiple Websites & Earn Multiple Income.
~ One stop centre in managing all your programs.

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to send me a Personal Message or PM here in Adland.
Bruce Macomber

216 Posts
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Re: Post Your Business Opportunities Here
7/17/2007 2:30:48 PM
Thanks for the venue, Monica!

Man, there are soooo many MLM, erm, I mean, Network Marketing programs out there!

Have you given up finding one that works? I had!

By way of introduction, let me just say that I am the sort of person that has never liked the whole MLM thing. I mean, please...who, other than the first few people involved ever make a dime off that stuff?

I even wrote an article containing my disdain about MLM some time back at

Still, I poked around here and there, half-heartedly looking for something that I could do from home and bring in some extra cash, apart from the few "set and forget" affiliate links I had peppered my sites with.

I came across an old link on a forum, and I'm not even sure why I clicked on it, as it wasn't more than a line of text saying something about a FREE program. I think I was just curious about what/where the catch would be.

Golly Sox, Buffalo Bob! I couldn't find one. I delved pretty deep into the info provided and did some online research looking for bad press (the positive FAR outweighed the minor and inevitable grumbles), and then I took the plunge and signed on.

There are a ton of ways to market this puppy and the approach I chose was to utilize my own domain to create a venue to tackle the task of both selling the products, some 600+ to date, and promote the business opportunity.

Having said that, let me tell you now where to go to learn more about a FREE MLM (uggh - still sticks in my craw)Network Marketing Program that actually works.

Don't take my word for it, folks, I'm just another stranger sending you to a 'tried and true' program.

But, like I did, you too will find that FREE means Free and there is no outlay required of anything other than effort to succeed.

Let me emphasize...EFFORT IS REQUIRED! This is NOT a "set it and forget it" program.

If you don't want to set aside some time each week (daily is best} to build a business that you can call your own, than do not visit

Otherwise, don't be a stranger, eh?

Renuvia * Natural Products * Great Careers

Ricky Majtyka

55 Posts
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Own the internet make cash, This is REAL
7/18/2007 4:12:51 PM

Our program is simple, easy for you to participate in, free to all, and has tremendous potential. Feel free to email us using our Contact page should you have any further questions or concerns. We want you to be totally confident in our program, and to fully understand it. Then - join us and we will take back the internet!! Remember that it’s totally free – now and forever!!


Thanks for looking


Ricky L Majtyka 12 Second Commute
Monica S

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Re: Post Your Business Opportunites Here
7/18/2007 4:53:14 PM


Thank you for the less than average feedback rating that you gave me due to your post not going on the first page.

You will learn that this is the way it works in every forum on Adland.

The posts go in order, from first, to next, and so on, by time and date.  You can not put a post in between 2 other posts.

If you would like to complain to Adland Administration about this situation, maybe someone can get the email address for you?




Bruce Macomber

216 Posts
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Re: Post Your Business Opportunites Here
7/18/2007 5:13:15 PM
>>Thank you for the less than average feedback rating that you gave me due to your post not going on the first page.

What is that all about?