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Clay Page

94 Posts
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Submit Your Opportunity for Review
7/13/2005 10:24:07 AM
Here's my request... I have since 1995, built a downline of 97,000 proactive members because I only promote programs that are solid, useful and backed by a company with a pro-growth strategy, something that is rare. I enjoy a retention ratio of 92% because of the motivation and support I offer my members and is key to growing success. I am not interested in cash-cow programs or programs that are over-hyped with all the riches you can make in a matter of seconds after signing up, but I am looking for products/service that meet the demand of both baby boomers and 21-33 year old audience. If you have such a program that you are enjoying success with, you have a proven track record of providing support to your group, I would be interested in entertaining what you have to offer. If you would like to see a list of programs I promote now to my group, then visit my Profile and review my website for more details. Caution... junk offers will be forgotten quickly. PLUS.... Take a moment and see why our program will help explode your business by using our services and unique approach to builing a massive Capital Intense Downline Listen to Presentation while your surf AdlandPro.
Re: I'm Seeking Solid Programs to Promote
7/13/2005 4:21:09 PM
I think I might have what you are seeking for. It's a home based business that recutes people to advertise the home based buseness and also the give you a free website that sells health and wellness. there isn't much hip or and promises it's all based on how you work it. If you are intrested take the tour at or feel free to take a look at the products we sell that are all natural at please make sure you stick in the last part of the web sites so I can tell if you were intrested. Thank you, Melissa Favaron
Clay Page

94 Posts
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Re: I'm Seeking Solid Programs to Promote
7/13/2005 9:41:34 PM
Hi Melissa, Thanks for your reply. The product line is something that could fit well into our Super Center that is reserved for retail products/services. I did not take the tour for the business opportunity as of yet, but I will devote time tomorrow to investigate the offer. I assume enrollment into the company is required to market the product retail, or can one market the products without being on an auto-ship program as part of the business side? I'm most certainly interested in the product line to introduce to our membership base. I will be in contact. Clay
E K Gann

33 Posts
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Re: I'm Seeking Solid Programs to Promote
7/13/2005 9:52:36 PM
Wow Clay, Going for my "Hole-In-One"! 97,000 Proavtive members! That's an incredible number for any business. All big and small flies wants a share for sure! Trying my shot at your call for innovative programs you can reccomend to your groups of people..... This is my SWING: ===> All the best, P.S.: According to, Success University is blowing the doors off other personal development companies - take a look at these weekly rankings... We all know who Donald Trump is... he recently launched an online learning company called Trump University. His website for the week was ranked number 23,987 - pretty darn good considering there are over 5 million websites on the net. Tony Robbins - the world's most famous motivational speaker and trainer was ranked 20,037 - again, very very good. Success University was ranked 6,494 - more than 3 times higher! As far as we know, we are ranked higher than any other personal development website on the entire Internet! It's no secret that we are getting massive exposure You are at the right place, at the right time. Make sure you capitalize on this momentum... ===>
Clay Page

94 Posts
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Re: I'm Seeking Solid Programs to Promote
7/13/2005 10:06:58 PM
E K, I responded by email.. please check email. Clay