Dear Marilyn,
Phone and cable company lobbyists are back on the attack in Washington. You can help stop them again by taking five minutes to save the Internet.
The Federal Communications Commission needs to hear your story about why an open Internet is important to your life, work and family -- and to our democracy.
Save the Internet: Tell Your Story to the FCC
Last year, more than 1.5 million Americans spoke out to stop the big phone and cable companies from killing Net Neutrality in Congress. Now industry lobbyists are pressuring the FCC to rule against the one principle that protects your freedom to choose online. That's why it's so important for you to speak out now.
The FCC recently launched an official inquiry into Net Neutrality. They're already hearing plenty from AT&T, Verizon and Comcast -- who want to be the gatekeepers deciding what you can do online. Now they need to hear from you.
At, you can send your concerns directly to the FCC, read stories from others, watch new videos, and join a national conversation about the future of the Internet.
This may be the best chance we have this year to demonstrate to Washington that protecting Internet freedom is an issue that matters to millions of Americans. The FCC needs to know why Net Neutrality is important to you. Tell them how an open Internet impact your daily life, your business and your ability to connect with others.
The public comment period ends June 15. Please share your story today:
Contact the FCC: Save the Internet
With your help, we can create a faster, affordable, open Internet for everyone.
Timothy Karr Campaign Director Free Press
P.S. Watch our new video and tell your friends to take action today.