Earlier you studied vv.2-6. Go back to your notes in prt 6 of colossian practical study and see what you wrote down. What do you think you have learned about this? 3.) Why is Epaphras a great example for us? What Characterized his approach to prayer? Why is he approach to prayer often neccassary one? What are some of the issues in your life that require nothing less? 4.) Write out v.17 putting your name in where you see the name "Archippus." How would you respond to recieving such direction from an apostle. How does it make you feel? 5.) At this point in my teachings you need to formulate plans for continuing your oun personal Bible study. There are many ways for you proceed. One suggestion is to pick a certin gospel, letter, etc..,and work your way through it vers by verse. Use the type of study done in Colossians and study books like 1 John, 1 Peter or Philippians in the same way. Perhaps you want to study a certin theme in the Bible like "Trust" or do some character studies of men and woman in the Bible. 6.) Whatever you decide to do, have a specific plan. Beware of the "lucky dip" method that involves just letting the Bible fall open somewhere each day. That may be often used but it is unproductive. Write down what you plan to study next. These words were given to me when i was baptised; As you leave this study Tom, you should not think that you are through looking at these ideas. You will need to come back to them again and again. Many have worked through this material after being a Christian and then have done it again a year or two later, finding that after time of growth the concepts get even richer, (as for me, Thomas, i believe this is true.) and so i teach you guys through this format. May God bless you in your future study of his will for your life! Make being with God every day for the rest of your life a joyful habit that you would not think of living without! " As a deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? Psalm 42:1-2