Thank you Leslie, I have never been ashamed of belonging to AA. There are Many functional alcoholics in the world. People have a sick sense that Alcoholics are people living under bridges and train stations,,NOT TRUE!!
The majority of people in my meetings are everyday working class people. Functional in every way,,everyday,, but need the alcohol to ease their pain.
Alcohol intensifies the pain. But we do not learn this until we treat ourselves of this desease. Just like Cancer or heart desease, Alcoholism is a proven gene in our bodies. And it Can be treated.
AA Has saved my life. Along with Prayer and Positive thinking, I am a Happy person today. I have no shame in telling anyone or Helping anyone fight this desease.
I am thrilled that people are responding to this thread. I would like to see more post here. Its a meeting in Alp!!
Thank you Leslie for your share.
Peace, Sharon