Dear Mike, Juding Committe and friends A new mont and a new BFA. Wishings to all the Candidates and nominated forums for GOOD LUCK. This is a fair game. An invitation have been sent to all PHILOXENIA Guests and their friends to come and vote on THEIR SPECIAL FORUM. PHILOXENIA WILL SUPPORT THIS FORUM AND THERE Will be updates in all topics to send our friends here too. Now to make this forum more glorious I dedicate to all in the contest and to all voters. Posted also in Philoxenia #14 in a short presentations to honour our POTW QUEEN this week TERRY GORLEY. NEPHELE'S TANGO A superb song about the ancient Greek Goddess Nephele by Charis Alexiou
 Music: Loreena McKennit, Ireland
Lyrics: Charis Alexiou, Greece Dancers from Academia de Tango Netherlands Greetings from Greece Georgios