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Nick Sym

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Re: Wow! Over 200 Members Since 11 am!
5/22/2007 11:08:07 PM

Thanks Dave,

That was so simple I am ashamed...not really but I find a lot of interesting subjects going on - thanks again my friend!

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Very Cool New Site! My count is 882 and climbing...
6/29/2007 2:53:33 PM
This is just a quick update:

This is growing faster than anything I've seen.  Right now my downline has reached 882, and that's in just a few, short weeks.

The Business Center is now launching, and that opens a whole new era in network marketing that should make internet users everywhere stand up and take notice!

Furthermore, the desktop tool is FAR superior to any I've seen and used to this date.  Rather than sending entire, long, obtrusive messages to desktops across the internet, it simply sends the subject and link, making it quick, small, and very effective.

This is the first time in a LOOOOOOONNGG time that a new entry to the online world has me excited.

Join Apsense here and see what I mean.

God bless,

Re: Very Cool New Site!
9/8/2007 4:43:11 PM

Hi Kathy,

I was goig to haul computer to the repair

shop the other day and then I found this

Please pass this along.This really works.
My computer is blazing along faster than
when it was new.



Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Re: Very Cool New Site!
9/8/2007 4:45:40 PM

Hello Dave,

Yes it is a very cool place, look me up

Kathy Hamilton or simikathy

its a great way to Brand your presence and create a Brand for yourself.


I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Re: Very Cool New Site!
9/8/2007 4:49:16 PM


Have you checked out Ning yet?

its free and amazing,when you connect your self with someones community everyone on thier list becomes your list,post daily and it goes out directly to everyone on it and it is always free.I love it there.


look me up and connect yourself

Kathy Hamilton/

253 277 1238

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking