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Why is it gonna get real noisy?
5/21/2007 1:50:42 PM

It's gonna get real noisy when everyone realizes that the hearing-imparied are more like us than they are different,'s gonna get real noisy when we recognize the deaf as people first and hearing-impaired secondly, and it's gonnna get it's noisest when eveyone realizes that the deaf need our help to CHANGE the internet.....stop the audios that roll with sound but no text, change the videos that roll with pretty pictures and music and voices but no subtitles; subtitles are what the deaf need in order to do business on the internet! It won't be quiet then, no ,not by a long shot. And then, after its done, the noise will turn to sounds of laughter as the deaf finally have their place on the net carved out for them. But we won't be laughing at them, rather, we'll be laughing with them,......all the way! Come on people, get involved, without you it's gonna stay quiet, like the net is now. Without you, it's gonna remain complacent and self-satisfying, like the net is now. And worst of all, without you, it's gonna remain quiet becuase we simply haven't thought about this problem, addressed it, and then done anything about it! Don't let it stay quiet, please, it hurts all of us to demean one person, let alone a whole group of the hearing-impaired! We won't let it happen any longer will we? NO! WE WON'T!


Joan Fleischmann

228 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Why is it gonna get real noisy?
5/29/2007 10:36:48 PM

I think your response gotta a little twisted and for readers sake we must make mention.

We DO NOT FIGHT FOR Evil. We rebuke it in name of Jesus Christ our lord that dwells within everyone who believes him. One as the HOLY TRINITY. ONE God, ONE Sovereign Reign of existence.

Evil is a Liar!


Discover wellness with Vitamark, the makers of Limu Plus®. You’ve heard about the nutritional benefits of kelp—but did you know how difficult it is, thanks to environmental pollution, to find a pure, pristine source?We discovered it in the untouched Pa
Re: Why is it gonna get real noisy?
6/3/2007 8:58:45 PM
    Couldn't agree more Joan. I did make a mistake saying "we will fight for evil" when I meant "fight against evil". Thank you  for pointing it out to everyone! I really appreciated that, Joan! Thanks so much! lol! new link for the deft site:
Joan Fleischmann

228 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Why is it gonna get real noisy?
6/4/2007 3:54:29 AM

Hey Stephen, your absolutely right and it was important to make out true intentions known.

I am in a lousy mood right now. I just got through watching Schindler's List and I am feeling distant and unattached.

I have vague and explosive. Senseless, mindless existence evil had the nerve to call LIFE!

I hate evil with every breathe of my being. Call it whatever you like, existence, life, stillness, breathing, whatever.

I would rather be not alive than share air space with things not humans things like that.

My promise is that ceases to exist in a life among God Fearing people. And there is ONLY ONE GOD!

It was scary to see what we are capable of doing to sustain life. It means we are strong mind and will. Aside from we really do think.

And that's the scary part. How we think when faced with are greatest fear; the lack of life.

And I ask myself do we really believe there is a GOD, for Christ sake. My answer is I KNOW THERE IS. But I can't know it for all of mankind.

And I thought I lived through a place called HELL. And I watched again Schindler's List and realized I DID NOT!

Why don't we just try talking to each other like we do, like I'm doing now. Is it really so difficult or is it a lie?

And evil laughs and mocks us. It has no life and never will. And what's so embarrassing is that it knows it! Thus we must know it.

The Divine Order is mine! By the will of God and mankind as one. The Divine Order is mine.



Discover wellness with Vitamark, the makers of Limu Plus®. You’ve heard about the nutritional benefits of kelp—but did you know how difficult it is, thanks to environmental pollution, to find a pure, pristine source?We discovered it in the untouched Pa
Re: Why is it gonna get real noisy?
6/4/2007 8:00:23 AM

Just to add a quick update for those of you who are interested,

Our Deaf Site now has it's own top level Domain name at::

Can I ask anyone who is doing any promoting of this site to change
the URL that they have been using, as that will not now work .....

THANKS for your efforts, those of you who have been trying, we
appreciate you .... really  ;-))

Again, the New link is::


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