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G. Lee Meyer

137 Posts
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The Natural Law of Rhythm
5/21/2007 12:07:50 PM

Hello Everyone,


I hope this day finds you feeling full of abundance in your life. Here in Michigan we’re finally experiencing beautiful sunny warm weather. The spring flowers are trumpeting the rebirth of spring. Everything is starting to bloom and burst forth with new life. Nature is one of the best examples of this weeks Law of the Universe.


The Law of Rhythm


  • The tide goes out…night follows day…winter then spring…good times…bad times
  • When you are on a down swing, try not to feel bad. Know the swing will change and things will get better. Just like the seasons. There are always good times coming…think of them.


It’s a known fact life has its challenges. Just realize this is a Natural Law.  Knowing that the  law also holds the promise that good will come can help one through many challenges: with business, health and relationships.


One thing my mother would always say is “This too shall pass”

Now I find myself saying it when I have a negative event or challenge in life. I then focus on what good can I learn or extract from the experience. Will I let it make me weaker or stronger? There is always a choice.


Just knowing that good things are coming can help motivate one  to make the right choice.

Abundant Blessings,

G. Lee Meyer

G. Lee Meyer
Neil Sperling

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Re: The Natural Law of Rhythm
5/21/2007 12:20:20 PM


Great Thread!

I've used the thought "this too shall pass" in my life for years. I think of it in good times and bad. It makes it easier to "expect the unexpected".

I also use the analogy that life is like paddleing a canoe in the river heading to the sea.

At time we have to paddle like mad  because we are in the rapids or caught up in an eddie going no where but round and round. Other times we can sit back and drift a while taking in the scenery.

The only thing constant in the the whole universe is change! And How we choose to deal with the changes determines our destiny!

Thanks for a great thread!

Neil Sperling MB

Judy Smith

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Re: The Natural Law of Rhythm
5/21/2007 1:18:06 PM

Hi Lee!

Oh the ever changing tides of life!  I use the "this too shall pass" therapy every time the tide changes and like Neil said it prepares us to accept  (rather than expect)  the unexpected as temporary.  When the tide is in and life is all roses, it is a bit harder to expect that it is a temporary rose bed and when the tide goes out it is comforting to know that it is.

I like to live by the principal that if I expect the good to come, it will come, and when the negatives and more challenging times arrive that I can expect that they will leave.   

Definitely a good thread.  Let's move with the flow of tide with great expectations of the end result being wondrous to behold!

G. Lee Meyer

137 Posts
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Re: The Natural Law of Rhythm
5/21/2007 9:46:15 PM

Thanks Neil,

Always love your comments and WOW what a beautiful picture.



G. Lee Meyer
Re: The Natural Law of Rhythm
5/22/2007 1:06:10 AM
Hi Neil

What a beautiful reading - trully inspirational.

Love & Peace



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