Hi Steve,
I think it's a truly great idea to make sure that all websites are accessible to everyone, including the deaf and the blind.
That's why I try to always use ALT tags for images and lots of text on my sites. I have friends online who are blind (most people would never guess) and my grandfather was deaf. Yes, he LOVED music. He would set his teeth on the piano while I played very lively music, and his feet would be dancing all over while he hung on by his teeth!
I have looked at the website and have some very important questions that I need some good answers to.
What do you get for $9.95 per month? There are absolutely no products listed on the website, the paypal address is a gmail address, the seller is unverified and it's a brand new account.
The website, itself, is a subdomain on the ProfitMatic site.
Please share with us what makes this a valuable resource for the deaf (at least what makes it worth $9.95 per month.
God bless,